
Elastic Execution Grid is a cloud-based environment where you can store, run, and track tests over time. To do so, you need to complete some administrative tasks to set up Elastic Execution Grid for enterprise.

What an admin does

An Elastic Execution Grid administrator is the person in charge of the following tasks:

Rights and permissions you need

When it comes to rights and permissions, consider the following:

Agent setup and configuration

Elastic Execution Grid Agents are copy-deployed. You don't need to be a systems administrator to set up and configure Agents. You only need write permissions to the directory where you save your Agents, so you can install and configure them.

Test execution

When you run tests, the Runner A Runner is part of the Elastic Execution Grid Agent machine. It's the local installation of the test framework that executes your tests. pretends to be the user who started the Agent. This user performs all actions the tests are designed to do.

Consequently, this user needs access and permissions to all applications, directories, and files that you test. For instance, if you want to run Tricentis Tosca tests where you modify a Microsoft Excel file on a network drive, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • The Agent machine has Microsoft Excel installed, so the Runner can process the file.

  • The user who started the Agent has access to the drive and directory, as well as read/write permissions to the file.

Get started

To set up Elastic Execution Grid for enterprise, follow the steps below:

  1. Go through the system requirements to make sure your environment supports Elastic Execution Grid.

  2. Create an account. You need an account to set up Elastic Execution Grid.

  3. Invite users to Elastic Execution Grid.

  4. Set up Elastic Execution Grid: set up and start your Elastic Execution Grid Agents, integrate with Tricentis Tosca.