Administration hierarchy
If you have LiveCompare Administrator privileges, the Administration hierarchy allows you to manage users, resource groups, RFC Destinations and other configuration settings. If LiveCompare has been configured to send emails, it also allows you to send emails to all LiveCompare users, to reset the Commit Configuration process, and to shut down the LiveCompare server. If you have LiveCompare Editor privileges, the Administration hierarchy allows you to manage your own user account, set user preferences and switch between resource groups.
When the Administration folder is selected in the hierarchy the Details pane displays the following information in the ‘LiveCompare Application Server Info’ section.
This section is shown for Administrators only. Click ‘Email All Users’ to send an email to all LiveCompare users using the email addresses that were specified when their accounts were created. Click ‘Process Explorer’ to display a window showing the LiveCompare processes that are currently running. Click ‘Stop Service’ to stop the LiveCompare Application Server. Before clicking ‘Stop Service’, please ensure that no users are currently accessing LiveCompare or running any workflows. Click License Status to check LiveCompare’s license status, or to request or install a license.
This section is shown for Administrators only, and displays the encryption status for LiveCompare’s SQL server databases, either ‘Encrypted’ or ‘Unencrypted’. If the status is ‘Encrypted’, click Export Database Key to export the database key used for the encryption to an XML file.
This section lists the contact details for the Tricentis Technical support team. It may also be updated to include contacts from your own organization. If you have LiveCompare Administrator privileges, click ‘Edit Contacts’ to edit the contact details, or ‘Restore Default Contacts’ to restore the default contact details provided with LiveCompare.
Reset configuration
If a problem with the LiveCompare Application Server occurs while the Commit Configuration process is running, the Commit Configuration process may remain in the ‘Committing...’ state. In this case, an Administrator may reset the process by carrying out the following steps.
Click to access the LiveCompare studio.
Select the Administration folder in the LiveCompare hierarchy and choose ‘Reset Configuration’ from the context menu.
Click ‘Reset’ in the Details pane.
This resets the currently-running Commit Configuration process; however, any configuration work that has already been completed will remain unaffected. You should manually delete the workspaces generated by the Commit Configuration process (whose names begin with __Pipeline or __Create) before committing the configuration again.
This section displays the time for which the LiveCompare Application Server has been running.
Product Documentation
This section includes links to the LiveCompare Release Notes and Installation and Configuration Guide.
User Documentation
This section includes links to any user documentation files that have been copied to the <LiveCompare user data dir>\public\Docs directory. This directory will need to be created manually if it does not already exist.
Crash reports
If any crashes have occurred, this section displays the number of crash dump files that have been generated on the LiveCompare server. Click the link to display a page that lists each of the crash dumps. Application crash dump filenames begin with ‘rnserver.exe’, workflow crash dump filenames begin with ‘wipsrv.exe’. Individual crash dump files may be saved and sent to Tricentis Technical support for analysis.
- Click ‘Export Selected’ to export the selected crash dump files to a ZIP file. Note that all the crash dump files may be selected by clicking the check box in the column heading.
- Click ‘Delete All’ to delete all the crash dump files on the LiveCompare server.
Application Diskspace
This section indicates the used and available disk space on the drive where the LiveCompare application files are installed. In the gauge control, the shaded bar represents used disk space. It is blue if less than 85% of disk space is used, and red otherwise.
Userdata Diskspace
This section indicates the used and available disk space on the drive where the LiveCompare user data directory is installed. In the gauge control, the shaded bar represents used disk space. It is blue if less than 85% of disk space is used, and red otherwise.
The Administration hierarchy includes the following folders:
- Users
- Import Specifications
- Resource Groups
- RFC Destinations
- Test Repositories
- Pipelines
- Projects
- User Preferences
- Configuration
Note that the Import Specifications and Configuration folders are available for Administrators only.