App Store

The Studio interface’s App Store allows you to monitor the progress of workflows that have been registered as apps, view their results, and update their properties. It also allows you to copy an app’s workflow to a workspace, replace an app’s workflow, export an app to a ZIP file, or import an app from a ZIP file. The Studio interface may be accessed by selecting the App Store folder and its subfolders in the LiveCompare hierarchy.

The App Store screen is accessed by selecting the App Store folder in the LiveCompare hierarchy. It lists the workflows that have been registered as apps using the Register Workflow as App Wizard, and apps that have been imported from the App Store folder in the LiveCompare hierarchy.

The apps are displayed in a table which has the following columns:

Column Description
App This column displays the name of each app. Click an app’s name link to display or edit the app’s registration details.
Description The description for the app.
Variants Click a link in the Variants column to display the App Variants screen. This screen lists the variants that have been created for the app, and allows variants to be deleted. This column is displayed for users with LiveCompare Editor privileges.

Search for apps

To search for an app using its name or description, enter a search string in the Search field. The App Store display is filtered to display the matching apps. Searches are case-insensitive and support substring matches. The asterisk character ‘*’ may be used as a wildcard. Click X if required to clear the contents of the search field and restore the list of available apps.

Edit app details

Import apps

Delete apps

Apps studio interface

Introduction to apps