Apps consumer interface

The apps consumer interface allows users to create and run app variants, and view and share their results. It is displayed when a user with Consumer privileges logs in to LiveCompare; alternatively, a user with Editor privileges may access the Consumer interface by clicking the Apps tool button. toolbar button in the LiveCompare main screen. In each case, the LiveCompare Dashboard screen is shown.

To run an app and view its results using the Consumer interface, carry out the following steps.

  1. Display the LiveCompare Dashboard screen.
  2. Click the Apps icon. toolbar icon to display the Apps screen, and select the tab representing the appropriate DevOps category.
  3. Select an app icon to display it in the App Cockpit screen.
  4. Create a new app variant. Select it in the ‘My Variants’ section to display the Variant screen.
  5. Set the appropriate parameter values, and if required, enter one or more email addresses in the ‘Distribute Results’ field.
  6. Click ‘Run’ to run the variant, and refresh the App Cockpit screen periodically to monitor the variant’s execution status.
  7. When the variant has completed, review its results in the ‘My Results’ section. If the result returned by the variant is a URL, click the link in the ‘Result’ column to display the associated report.

New apps may be added to the Apps screen in the Studio interface using the Register Workflow as App Wizard to register the app’s top-level workflow. Alternatively, if you have LiveCompare Administrator or Editor privileges, an app may be imported from a ZIP file using the ‘Import App’ option for the App Store folder in the LiveCompare hierarchy.

The Consumer interface for apps is supported on a number of mobile operating systems and web browsers. See the LiveCompare Installation and Configuration Guide for details.

Introduction to apps