Collect Performance History Data actions

Collect Performance History Data actions retrieve performance history data into the specified RFC Destination’s PHD tab cache. The action retrieves the most recent N months of performance history data. N is the value set in the action’s Months property.

The Collect Performance History Data action’s Result dataset stores details of the retrieved performance history data.

Action property Description

A String parameter or dataset that specifies the data retrieval method that the action will use. If you select:

  • ‘LiveCompareRfc’ the action retrieves performance history data using a function provided by LiveCompare’s SAP components.

  • ‘SAPRfc’ the action retrieves performance history data using a native SAP function. The function called is specific to the RFC Destination’s SAP kernel release.


An Integer parameter or dataset that specifies how many months of performance history data to retrieve (N). The Collect Performance History Data action retrieves the most recent N months of performance history data. If this property is not set, the action uses 0 as the default value.

Result A Table dataset that stores details of the performance history data retrieved.
RFC Destination An RFC Destination parameter or dataset that refers to the system from which to collect performance history data.

The Result dataset stores the following details:

Column Description
Attr The name of an attribute.
Value The value of the attribute.
Count For COUNT attributes, this column stores the number of rows in the specified table.

The Attr column may have the following values:

Attr Description
SCHEDULED This column is set to 'true' if a schedule has been set for the collection of performance history data in the RFC Destination’s PHD tab.
PERIOD For scheduled collections of performance history data, this attribute has the value 'Monthly'.
PERIODINFO For scheduled collections of performance history data, this attribute stores the day of the month when the action collects performance history data.
RUNTIME For scheduled collections of performance history data, this attribute stores the scheduled start time for the collection.
LAST_TIME_RUN The date and time when the action last retrieved performance history data for this RFC Destination.
SOURCE The performance history data retrieval method. Either ‘PHD’ for the ‘LiveCompareRfc’ retrieval method, or ‘RFC’ for the ‘SAPRfc’ retrieval method.
NUM_PERIODS The number of months of performance history data retrieved.
STATUS The performance history data’s retrieval status.

The Value column has the following values:

Value Description
AppRaw Refers to the raw application statistics retrieved from SAP.
AppArch Refers to archive application statistics.
AppSum Refers to summary application statistics.
UserRaw Refers to the raw user statistics retrieved from SAP.
UserArch Refers to archive user statistics.
UserSum Refers to summary user statistics.


Collect Performance History Data action example.

Read Performance History Data actions