Compare Tables actions

Compare Tables actions perform a comparison of two Table datasets by comparing corresponding rows and columns in each of the tables. The results are stored in a Table dataset.

Action property Description
Counts A Table dataset containing a comparison summary for the compared tables.
Result A Table dataset in which to store the comparison results.
Source1 A Table dataset containing the first table to be compared.
Source2 A Table dataset containing the second table to be compared.
SystemName1 A String parameter or dataset specifying a name for the first system. If this property is set, it overwrites the ‘System1’ value in the Result dataset.
SystemName2 A String parameter or dataset specifying a name for the second system. If this property is set, it overwrites the ‘System2’ value in the Result dataset.

The Result dataset includes columns from the tables being compared, plus two additional columns. The first additional column indicates the comparison status for each table row, and the second additional column is named System.

  • For SAP tables that are compared, the System column contains the name of the table’s associated RFC Destination. These values are shown for rows that are different or in one table only.

  • For other tables that are compared, the System column contains the name of the Source1 or Source2 Table dataset. These values are shown for rows that are different or in one table only.

Values in the System column may be overwritten by setting the Compare Table action’s SystemName1 or SystemName2 properties.

The Comparison Status column may contain the following icons. Internally, the comparison status of each row is represented in the Result table by values in a column named ___Status. This column may be used in an Execute SQL action to filter the table comparison results.

Icon ___Status Value Description
Row Same icon. 4 The row values are the same in each of the tables.
Row Different icon. 11 or 12 The row values are different in each of the tables. These rows are shown in red with a yellow background.
Row In 2 icon. 1 The row exists in the ‘Source1’ table only. These rows are shown with a cyan background.
Row In 2 icon. 2 The row exists in the ‘Source2’ table only. These rows are shown with a pink background.

The Counts dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Name The name of the ‘Source1’ table.
NumRows The number of rows in the table.
In1 The number of table rows that exist only in the first system compared.
In2 The number of table rows that exist only in the second system compared.
Same The number of rows that are the same in the compared table.
Different The number of rows that are different in the compared table.
Status The comparison status for the tables.
Description The name of the ‘Source1’ table.

If a table has different fields on each of the compared systems, only the fields that are common to both systems will be compared. Tables may only be compared if they have the same key fields; these are shaded green in the Table dataset display. SAP tables normally have key fields, however tables that have not been derived from SAP may be compared by carrying out the following steps:

  1. Use two Execute SQL actions to copy the tables to two new Table datasets. Set the Options property for each of the actions to ‘CopyRows Source1 Result’.
  2. Edit the Statements property for each Execute SQL action, and use the following statement to add the same key fields to each of the result tables:

SET RESULT TABLE KEYS (<Field1>[, <FieldN>])

  1. The result tables may then be compared using the Compare Tables action.


Compare Tables action example.

To examine the details for a Compare Tables action, double-click the action node, or select ‘View Details’ from the node’s context menu. The Details screen displays the number of records in the Source and Result tables.

Data masking

Tables to ignore