Dashboard report treemaps

A treemap is used to provide a visual representation of objects in either two or three categories, for example Not Run, Failed and Passed. The count for each category of object is shown in the treemap’s legend.

Treemap example.

Treemaps consist of two basic components:


Each node in the treemap represents a used object. The node’s color indicates to which category it belongs. The size of each node (relative to the other nodes) indicates the object’s usage count. Rest the mouse cursor in a node to display the node’s details.

Treemap node details.


Containers are used to group together objects with the same parent, and are displayed with a header row in the treemap. This treemap groups used objects by Functional Area. Rest the mouse cursor over a header row to display the container’s details.

Treemap container details.

Treemap navigation

To display the objects in a particular container, click its header row.

Treemap container.

To display a particular object, click the object node.

Treemap node.

To move up one level, right-click the treemap or click the ‘UP’ button.

Filter a treemap

Use the check boxes to filter a treemap, displaying any combination of the treemap’s categories.

Filtered treemap.

Zoom a treemap

Move the slider control to the right by sliding or clicking to hide the larger treemap nodes, making more space available for the smaller nodes. The Zoom control displays a range from 0 to 100.

Zoomed treemap.

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