Delete variants

If you have LiveCompare or Administrator privileges, variants may be deleted using the Studio interface. If you have LiveCompare Consumer privileges, variants may be deleted using the Consumer interface. Deleting a variant does not affect any app results that the variant has generated.

Studio interface

To delete one or more variants using the Studio interface, carry out the following steps:

  1. Select the App Store folder in the LiveCompare hierarchy to display the App Store screen.
  2. Select a link in the ‘Variants’ column.
  3. Select the check box next to one or more entries in the App Variants table, and click ‘Delete’. A confirmation dialog is displayed. To mark all the variants for deletion, click the check box in the column heading.

If a shared variant is deleted, it will no longer be available to any users.

App Store (studio interface)

Consumer interface

To delete one or more variants using the Consumer interface, carry out the following steps:

  1. Log in to LiveCompare as a user with Consumer privileges. Alternatively, if you have LiveCompare Editor privileges, click the Apps tool button. toolbar button on the main screen.
  2. Click the Apps icon. toolbar icon to display the Apps screen, and select the tab representing the appropriate DevOps category.
  3. Select an app icon to display it in the App Cockpit screen.
  4. Select an app from the Apps screen to display the App Cockpit screen.

  5. Select the check box next to one or more entries in the My Variants table, and click Delete button.. To mark all the variants for deletion, select the check box in the column heading.

If a shared variant is deleted, it will no longer be available to any users.