Get Transport Object Versions actions

Get Transport Object Versions actions retrieve transport objects and their associated versions from two specified RFC Destinations. The results are stored in a Table dataset that represents a hierarchy of retrieved objects. The Table dataset may be:

The Get Transport Object Versions action may be used to:

  • Compare the versions of each transport object in two valid transports (possibly from the same RFC Destination).
  • Compare the versions of each transport object from one RFC Destination with the active versions of the transport objects on a second RFC Destination.

Transport object versions are supported for the following object types:

CLAS - Class

DOMA - Domain

DTEL - Data Element


ENHO - Enhancement Implementation

ENHS - Enhancement Spot

FUNC - Function Module

GUIS - GUI Status

INCL - Include

INDX - Index

PROG - ABAP Program

SFPF - Form Object Form

SHLP - Search Help Object

STRC - Structure

TABL - Table Definition

WAPA - BSP Application


In the Hierarchy datasets and reports generated from the results of the Get Transport Object Versions action, the version of each compared object is shown.

Action property Description
Result A Table dataset that stores a hierarchy representation of the retrieved transport objects.
RFC Destination1 An RFC Destination parameter or dataset referring to the system from which the objects specified in the Transports1 property are to be retrieved.
RFC Destination2 An RFC Destination parameter or dataset referring to the system from which the objects specified in the Transports2 property are to be retrieved.
Transport1 A String parameter or dataset that stores either the name of a released transport to be retrieved from RFC Destination1, or the value ‘active’. If a transport name is used, the first 3 characters of the name must match RFC Destination1’s SYSID.
Transport2 A String parameter or dataset that stores either the name of a released transport to be retrieved from RFC Destination2, or the value ‘active’. If a transport name is used, the first 3 characters of the name must match RFC Destination2’s SYSID.

Transport1 and Transport2 properties

At least one of these properties must specify a transport name. The following table describes what will be retrieved in each case.

Transport1 Transport2 Description
<Transport Name> <Transport Name> Retrieves the Transport1 transport objects from RFC Destination1, and the Transport2 transport objects from RFC Destination2.
<Transport Name> active Retrieves the Transport1 transport objects from RFC Destination1, and the corresponding active objects from RFC Destination2.
active <Transport Name> Retrieves the Transport2 transport objects from RFC Destination2, and the corresponding active objects from RFC Destination1.

The Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
SYSTEM The RFC Destination from which the object was retrieved.
TYPE The type of a retrieved object or hierarchy folder.
NAME The name of the retrieved object or hierarchy folder.
PARENT_TYPE The type of a parent object in the hierarchy.
PARENT_NAME The name of the parent object.
RELATION If BW objects are retrieved by the Get SAP Objects action, this column may contain numerical values representing BW hierarchy types.
DESCRIPTION The description for the retrieved object.
VERSION This column stores the version of each object for which versioning is supported. For CLAS objects, the VERSION column stores either ‘active’, or the class’s associated transport name.

The RELATION column may contain the following values. The Get Transport Object Versions action’s Result dataset may be filtered by these values to compare only the specified hierarchy types.

RELATION BW Hierarchy Type
5 Info Providers
6 Info Objects
7 Info Sources


  • Versions of objects in a transport only exist on the system on which the transport was created.
  • If a transport is moved to a system where no development is performed (i.e., the system only contains transported objects), then there will only be one version of each transport object on the target system. This will be the ‘active’ version.
  • When two valid transports are compared using the results from the Get Transport Objects action, if an object is in Transport1 but not in Transport2, its comparison result will be In1 even if the object exists in the second RFC Destination (due to some other transport). The action retrieves transport contents rather than general system contents.


Get Transport Object Versions action example.

To examine the details for a Get Transport Object Versions action, double-click the action node, or select ‘View Details’ from the node’s context menu. The Details screen displays the number of objects retrieved from RFC Destination1, the number of objects retrieved from RFC Destination2, the number of objects written to the Result dataset, and the time taken for the action to complete.