LUX details

If a LUX is selected in the LiveCompare hierarchy, Luxes screen or LUX utility, the following details are shown, including the name of the selected LUX:

Manifest Data

This section contains the details that were specified when the LUX was created.

Name Value
datestamp The date and time when the LUX files were created on the LiveCompare server.
guid The LUX’s globally unique identifier.
filename The name of the ZIP archive that was uploaded to create the LUX.
organization The organization or company name associated with the LUX.
contact_email The contact email address associated with the LUX.
tobe_kernel The To-Be SAP kernel release associated with the LUX.
tobe_kernel_other The ‘Other’ SAP kernel release value specified when the LUX was created.
description The description specified when the LUX was created.


If warnings were found when creating the LUX, this section displays the associated warning messages.

Data Files

This section includes links to a number of data files made available by the LUX. The following files are available.

Name Value
UW_SAP.LUX (As-Is LUXes only) The Uses What data created by the As-Is data extract program, in LUX format.
ST03_RAW.csv The Performance History data used by the As-Is or To-Be data extract programs. file A ZIP archive containing the files that were uploaded when the LUX was created.


This section contains SAP system data associated with the SAP system from which the LUX was created.

Name Value
RFCPROTO RFC protocol version.
RFCCHARTYPE Character set.
RFCINTTYP Integer format, either Big or Little Endian.
RFCFLOTYP Floating point format (1=IEEE, 2=IBM/370 format).
RFCDEST Logical RFC Destination.
RFCHOST SAP host name.
RFCDATABS Database version.
RFCDBHOST Database host name.
RFCDBSYS Database system.
RFCMACH Machine version.
RFCOPSYS Operating system.
RFCTZONE Time zone.
RFCDAYST Daylight savings time indicator.
RFCIPADDR SAP system IP address.
RFCKERNRL SAP kernel release.
RFCHOST2 The RFCSI1 structure’s RFCHOST2 field.
RFCSI_RESV The RFCSI1 structure’s RFCSI_RESV field.
RFCIPV6ADDR SAP system IP version 6 address.
CREATED_BY The SAP user who download the LUX files.
CREATED_DT The date when the LUX files were downloaded from the SAP server.
CREATED_TM The time when the LUX files were downloaded from the SAP server.