My Profile

The My Profile screen allows users to change their profile picture or password. It is accessed by clicking the User tool button icon in the Consumer interface and selecting ‘Profile’ from the menu. The screen displays a name badge showing your profile picture, your LiveCompare role, and the following fields:

Field Description
Username Your LiveCompare username.
Description The description for your LiveCompare user account.
Consent to Data Privacy Policy The date and time when you agreed to the terms of the Tricentis data privacy policy.
Email The email address associated with your LiveCompare account.

It also displays the LiveCompare version and build number.

  • Click ‘Change Picture’ to upload a new image file to be associated with your profile. The selected image will be scaled appropriately.
  • Click ‘Change Password’ to display the Change Password for User screen. This option is not available for user accounts imported from LDAP.