Survey app

The Survey app provides a summary of single role usage on the specified SAP system. The app’s results include:

  • Users that have been assigned each of the specified single roles.
  • Which transaction codes are available to the assigned roles.
  • Whether a user has run each transaction code according to the available performance history data.
  • Whether any of the specified single roles may be assigned using a composite role.

A user with LiveCompare Editor privileges must prepare this app by making sure that performance history data is available for the ‘System to Survey’ RFC Destination. See the ‘Prerequisites’ section below for details.

DevOps categories

InfoSec, Operations.


Before running the Survey app for the first time, you will need to make sure that performance history data is available on the RFC Destination selected for the ‘System to Survey’ system. Select the RFC Destination in the LiveCompare hierarchy, click the PHD tab and set a schedule for the retrieval of performance history data. You can also retrieve performance history data for an RFC Destination using the Collect Performance History Data action. See the Retrieve performance history data topic for details.

To run the Survey app, select the app from the Apps screen and create an app variant. Set the ‘System to Survey’ field to the RFC Destination for the system to be surveyed, and edit the ‘Roles (single, not composite)’ table to provide a list of the single SAP roles to be reported upon.

Click ‘Run’. When the variant has completed, its results may be accessed from the App Cockpit screen.

App results

The Survey app generates a Dashboard report which includes a column chart named ‘Roles and the number of users assigned’. This chart displays the number of users assigned to each of the analyzed roles.

The Dashboard report also includes links to the following reports:

User Role Survey Details

This Excel report includes the following spreadsheets:

Users, Roles, Transactions

This spreadsheet lists the users, transactions and profiles assigned to each of the analyzed roles, indicating the last time each transaction was used according to the available performance history data. If the role was assigned via a composite role, the composite role is shown in the report’s Composite_Role column.

Roles and Users

This spreadsheet lists details for the users assigned to each of the analyzed roles, including each user’s personnel number. The COL_FLAG column indicates whether the assignment was made via a composite role.

Roles and Composite Roles

This spreadsheet lists the users that have been assigned to each of the analyzed roles directly. The report includes a COMPOSITE_ROLE column that lists the composite roles to which each of the analyzed roles belongs. If an analyzed role does not belong to any composite roles, it is not included in the report.

Analysis Input Data

This Excel report contains a copy of the input parameters used to produce the app’s Dashboard report. The value of each input parameter is stored in a separate worksheet, which is named after the parameter whose value it contains.

Standard apps