Table datasets
Table datasets are populated by LiveCompare actions where the results are stored in a table structure. For example, the Read SAP Table action populates a Table dataset with values read from an SAP table.
When a Table dataset is populated, the dataset node in the workflow diagram is labeled to indicate the number of rows it contains. To examine the contents of a Table dataset, double-click the dataset node in the workflow diagram, or select ‘View Details’ from the node’s context menu.
The grid control uses the following display conventions:
- Underlined values indicate ID columns for the table. Click an underlined value to open the Row Details screen, which displays field values and descriptions for the selected row.
- Values shaded in green indicate key fields.
- Selected cells are shaded in gray.
The columns in the grid control may be resized by dragging the resize handles in the column headings. With the exception of the first column, a column may be expanded or contracted by double-clicking the handle on its right.
A range of cells may be selected in the grid control by using Left Click+Drag in the column headings, row headings or table body. Alternatively, use Shift+Arrow keys to select cells using the keyboard. To select the entire table, choose ‘Select All’ from the grid control’s context menu. To clear a selection, choose ‘Clear All’ from the context menu, or click the cell labeled # in the top left-hand corner of the grid control. The following keyboard shortcuts may also be used:
- Page Up scrolls the display up by one page.
- Page Down scrolls the display down by one page.
- Home selects the first cell in the current row.
- End selects the last cell in the current row.
- Ctrl+Home selects the first cell in the current column.
- Ctrl+End selects the first cell in the current column.
To export the selection to an Excel spreadsheet, choose ‘Copy Selection to Excel’ from the grid control’s context menu. To copy the selection to the Windows Clipboard, choose ‘Copy’ from the context menu, or press Ctrl+C. If a column is selected, all the column rows are copied, not just the rows that have been loaded into the grid control.
Click the ‘Options’ icon to show or hide the Options dialog:
Enter a maximum number of table rows to display in the ‘Maximum number of rows to display:’ field. This value applies to all tables viewed by the current user, and is also stored in the ‘Maximum number of rows/objects to display:’ User preferences field.
If the table shows comparison results, select the appropriate check boxes in the ‘Display rows with status:’ section to display only those table rows with the selected comparison statuses. Each LiveCompare user may have their own settings, but the settings apply to all table comparison views.
Click ‘OK’ to save your changes.
Export to Excel
Click the ‘Export to Excel’ icon to export the Table’s contents to an Excel spreadsheet named <Dataset name>_<YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS>.xls. Commas in the dataset name are replaced with underscores in the spreadsheet name.