Initialize Task Store
This workflow creates a Data Store named TaskQueue, which is used to keep track of the processed developer tasks in the current BW Impact Analysis, Developer Impact Analysis or Configurator Impact Analysis workspace. The workflow may be used to create the Data Store in a new workspace, or to reset an existing Data Store that has already been created.
Prepare the workflow
To prepare the Initialize Task Store workflow, drag its workflow template from the Templates folder into a new Developer Impact Analysis or Configurator Impact Analysis workspace, and optionally modify the workflow as follows:
To set the date from which to retrieve developer tasks:
Select the Task Queue Schema parameter and choose ‘Edit Table’ from the context menu to display the Table Editor dialog.
In the Task Queue Schema table, set the AS4DATE column to the date from which to retrieve developer tasks, using the format YYYY-MM-DD. The default value is 2020-01-19.
Click ‘Save’.
Save the workflow using the ‘Save’ toolbar button.
Run the workflow
To run the Initialize Task Store workflow, click the 'Run' toolbar button, choose ‘Run Now’ from the diagram’s context menu, or press F5. The currently running workflow action is marked with an animated display. When the workflow execution has completed, a Data Store named TaskQueue will have been created or reset in the current BW Impact Analysis, Developer Impact Analysis or Configurator Impact Analysis workspace.