Cache IDoc Impact Data
This workflow populates an External Data Source named IDoc Impact Cache with IDoc impact data from the specified RFC Destination. The impact data includes the following:
Functions and function groups obtained from used inbound and outbound ALE partner profiles and function modules.
Their referenced functions, includes, structures and tables.
Inbound and outbound ALE data.
The External Data Source is used by the Smart Impact app to identify IDocs from the Analysis system that are impacted by custom changes.
Prepare the workflow
To prepare the Cache IDoc Impact Data workflow, drag its workflow template from the Templates folder into your own workspace, and modify the workflow as follows:
To specify the system containing IDocs:
Select the IDoc Analysis System parameter and choose ‘Edit RFC Destination’ from its context menu to display the RFC Destination dialog.
Select the RFC Destination for the system to analyze, then click ‘Save’.
Functions that call IDocs dynamically result in all the IDoc functions being tagged as used. To exclude functions that call IDocs dynamically:
Select the FUNC Exclusion List parameter and choose ‘Edit Table’ from the context menu to display the Table Editor dialog.
Enter the name and type (FUNC) of one or more functions to exclude, or paste in a selection of objects copied from an Excel spreadsheet, then click ‘Save’.
Function Groups containing functions that call IDocs dynamically result in all the IDoc functions being tagged as used. To exclude function groups that call IDocs dynamically:
Select the FUGR Exclusion List parameter and choose ‘Edit Table’ from the context menu to display the Table Editor dialog.
Enter the name and type (FUGR) of one or more function groups to exclude, or paste in a selection of objects copied from an Excel spreadsheet, then click ‘Save’.
The workflow performs a Uses What operation on IDoc functions and function groups, finding their used functions (FUNC), includes (INCL), structures (STRC) and tables (TABL). These object types will be matched in the transports provided to the Smart Impact app. To modify the object types returned by the workflow’s Uses What actions:
Select the Types to Report String List parameter and ‘Edit String List’ from the context menu to display the String List Editor dialog.
Insert or delete or more object types (or modify the existing entries), then click ‘Save’.
Save the workflow using the 'Save' toolbar button.
Run the workflow
To run the Cache IDoc Impact Data workflow, click the 'Run' toolbar button, choose ‘Run Now’ from the diagram’s context menu, or press F5. The currently running workflow action is marked with an animated display. When the workflow execution has completed, the IDoc Impact Cache External Data Source will be populated with IDoc impact data to be used by the Smart Impact app.