Create Object Links Cache
This workflow uses the Create Object Links Cache action to create a tree of object dependency links for the Analysis system in the specified Pipeline, using performance history data retrieved from the Pipeline’s Usage system. The tree of object links is stored in an object links cache database on the drive where the LiveCompare user data directory is stored. Additionally, for any objects with code that need to be refreshed, SAP’s cross reference tables are rebuilt using a custom function.
The object links cache database is used by the Find Object Links, Find Similar Objects, Uses What and Where Used actions if their Use Cache property is set to true.
If an object links cache database does not exist for an RFC Destination, a new object links cache database is created from scratch. If an object links cache database already exists, it is updated to include any newly-found object dependency links. Typically, this is a much faster operation.
Before you begin, you will need to create a Pipeline that includes the Analysis and Usage systems for which to create an object links cache database.
Prepare the workflow
To prepare the Create Object Links Cache workflow, drag its workflow template from the Templates folder into your own workspace, and modify the workflow as follows:
Select the Pipeline parameter and choose ‘Edit Pipeline’ from its context menu to display the Pipeline dialog.
Select the Pipeline that includes the Analysis and Usage systems for which to create an object links cache database, then click ‘Save’.
Save the workflow using the ‘Save’ toolbar button.
Run the workflow
To run the Create Object Links Cache workflow, click the ‘Run’ toolbar button, choose ‘Run Now’ from the diagram’s context menu, or press F5. The currently running workflow action is marked with an animated display.
Workflow results
When the workflow has completed, the COLC Result dataset is populated with the results of the Create Object Links Cache action, indicating whether Full Cache Update or Incremental Cache Update has been performed. The Used Objects dataset is populated with the used objects returned by the Get Used Objects for COLC workflow.
Usage scenario
The Create Object Links Cache workflow should be run once to perform a Full Cache Update each system to be analyzed using any of the following apps or template workflows.
The Create Object Links Cache workflow should be run again on any system whose analysis objects may have changed (for example, after support packs have been applied, or after changes have been migrated from another system). This will perform an Incremental Cache Update to ensure that the system’s object links cache database is up to date.