Create Test Repository Cache

This workflow finds transport tasks created on the specified development system over the last 6 months, and then retrieves the executable objects associated with the tasks from the specified Pipeline’s RFC Analysis System. These are combined with performance history data retrieved from the Pipeline’s Performance History System, and the results are filtered to exclude any objects to ignore, obtained from the UsedObjectsToIgnore External Data Source.

The final set of objects is used to search the Pipeline’s Most-at-risk Search Test Repositories to find matching test assets. The matching test assets are then written to caches associated with each of the Test Repositories. The caches are used by the Smart Impact app and template workflows when searching for test assets that match the most-at-risk objects.

Note that when a new cache is stored for a Test Repository, any existing cache data stored for the Test Repository will be overwritten.


Before you begin, you will need to create a Pipeline that includes at least one Most-at-risk Search Test Repository (with optional associated Search Paths), an Analysis System and Performance History System. You will need to make sure that performance history data is available for the Pipeline’s Performance History System. See the Retrieve performance history data help topic for details. You will also need to make Fiori data available to the Pipeline’s Analysis System.

Prepare the workflow

To prepare the Create Test Repository Cache workflow, drag its workflow template from the Templates folder into your own workspace, and modify the workflow as follows:

To specify the Pipeline to be used:

  1. Select the Pipeline parameter and choose ‘Edit Pipeline’ from the context menu to display the Pipeline dialog.

  2. Select the Pipeline that includes the Analysis System, Performance History System and Most-at-risk Search Test Repositories that will be used to create the Test Repository caches, and click ‘Save’.

Save the workflow using the ‘Save’ toolbar button.

Run the workflow

To run the Create Test Repository Cache workflow, click the 'Run' toolbar button, choose ‘Run Now’ from the diagram’s context menu, or press F5. The currently running workflow action is marked with an animated display. When the workflow execution has completed, the caches associated with the specified Pipeline’s Most-at-risk Search Test Repositories will be populated with a set of test assets that match either the used objects, or the executables associated with the retrieved transport tasks.