Used Objects app

The Used Objects app identifies objects that have been used according to the available performance history data. The app reports on standard and custom objects, users, application areas and SAP license type assignments. If a Test Repository is specified, the app reports on the used objects that have matching test assets in the specified Test Repository. The results are presented in a Dashboard report and an associated Excel report.

A user with LiveCompare Editor privileges must prepare this app by making sure that performance history data is available for the ‘Performance History System’ RFC Destination. See the ‘Prerequisites’ section below for details.

DevOps categories



Before running the Used Objects app for the first time, you will need to make sure that performance history data is available on the RFC Destination selected for the ‘Performance History System’ system. Select the RFC Destination in the LiveCompare hierarchy, click the PHD tab and set a schedule for the retrieval of performance history data. You can also retrieve performance history data for an RFC Destination using the Collect Performance History Data action. See the Retrieve performance history data topic for details.

If required, the Business Critical Objects External Data Source should be populated with a set of business critical objects that are always included in the results. The External Data source is populated from a .CSV file with TYPE and NAME columns. Use the External Data Source’s ‘Replace Data File’ option in the LiveCompare Studio to upload your own .CSV file.

Run the app

To run the Used Objects app, select the app from the Apps screen and create an app variant. Complete the variant screen as follows:


  • Set the ‘Analysis System’ field to the RFC Destination for the system to be analyzed.

  • Set the ‘Performance History System’ field to the RFC Destination for the system from which performance history data has been obtained.

  • Set the ‘Performance History Range’ list box to the range of performance history data to be used in the analysis.

  • If required, edit the ‘Rows to Read (USR02)’ field to specify a filter for user records read from the USR02 table on the analysis system. The default filter retrieves dialog users with unlocked accounts, and dialog users with accounts that have been locked due to unsuccessful logins.

SAP Test Integration

  • If required, select a Test Repository in the ‘Test Repository’ field to identify test assets matching the used objects. Choose --Not Selected-- if required to clear your selection.

  • Set the ‘Test Search Paths’ string list to limit the search for test assets to one or more project folders in the specified Test Repository. Each path should begin with the Subject folder, and a backslash (\) should be used to separate path components, for example Subject\Release1.

Click ‘Run’. When the variant has completed, its results may be accessed from the App Cockpit screen.

App Results

The Used Objects app generates a Dashboard report which includes the following charts:

  • The Used Objects by Type column chart summarizes the used objects by object type, including the number of objects of each type that have matching test assets in the specified Test Repository.
  • The Standard vs. Custom pie chart provides a summary of the used and standard custom objects.
  • The Top Used Applications column chart column groups the used standard and custom objects by Application Area. The top 10 Application Areas are listed.
  • The Accounts by License Type pie chart summarizes the users of used objects by their license type. The ‘None’ category indicates accounts that do not have a license type assignment in SAP table USR06.
  • The Account Usage by License Type column chart provides a summary of account usage by license type.
    • NO_USAGE indicates the number of accounts for each license type whose object usage count is NULL
    • SLIGHT_USAGE indicates the number of accounts for each license type whose object usage count is less than 6.
    • BROAD_USAGE indicates the number of accounts for each license type whose object usage count is greater than 5.
  • The Performance History System panel displays the name of the SAP performance history system.
  • The Performance History panel displays the number of rows of performance history data retrieved, and the date range for which performance history data is available.
  • The Test Coverage panel lists the number of used objects that have matching test assets in the specified Test Repository.
  • The Used Objects to Ignore panel lists the number of ignored objects filtered by the UsedObjectsToIgnore External Data Source.

The Dashboard report also includes links to the following reports:

Used Objects Details

This Excel report includes the following spreadsheets:


This spreadsheet includes the following charts:

  • The Used Objects by Type column chart summarizes the used objects by object type.
  • The Standard vs. Custom pie chart provides a summary of the used and standard custom objects.
  • The Top Used Applications column chart column groups the used standard and custom objects by Application Area. The top 10 Application Areas are listed.
  • The Accounts by License Type pie chart summarizes the users of used objects by their license type. The ‘None’ category indicates accounts that do not have a license type assignment in SAP table USR06.
  • The Account Usage by License Type column provides a summary of account usage by license type.
    • NO_USAGE indicates the number of accounts for each license type whose object usage count is NULL
    • SLIGHT_USAGE indicates the number of accounts for each license type whose object usage count is less than 6.
    • BROAD_USAGE indicates the number of accounts for each license type whose object usage count is greater than 5.
  • The Performance History System panel displays the name of the SAP performance history system.
  • The Performance History panel displays the number of rows of performance history data retrieved, and the date range for which performance history data is available.
  • The Test Coverage panel lists the number of used objects that have matching test assets in the specified Test Repository.
  • The Used Objects to Ignore panel lists the number of ignored objects filtered by the UsedObjectsToIgnore External Data Source.


This spreadsheet provides help for each of the spreadsheet reports.


This spreadsheet includes details of the used objects according to the available performance history data, excluding any objects matched in the UsedObjectsToIgnore External Data Source. The spreadsheet includes the following columns:

Column Description
APP_AREA The used object’s Application Area.
TYPE The type of a used object.
NAME The name of the used object.
DESCRIPTION The description for the used object.
TOTAL_USAGE The total usage count for the object according to the available performance history data.
USERS The number of accounts that used the object.
CUSTOM This column is set to ‘Yes’ for custom objects.
BUSINESS_CRITICAL This column is set to ‘Yes’ for business critical objects.
DEVCLASS The used object’s Development Class.
Category This column is set to ‘Standard’ for standard objects, or to ‘Custom’ for custom objects.


This spreadsheet includes details for each of the accounts in the users statistics obtained from the performance history data. The spreadsheet includes the following columns:

Column Description
ACCOUNT User’s account name.
NAME_FIRST User’s first name.
NAME_LAST User’s last name.
USED_OBJECTS The number of objects used by this account according to the available performance history data. Click a link in this column to display the objects in the UserStats spreadsheet.
LICENSE The SAP license associated with this account.
USTYP The account’s User Type, obtained from the USR02 table. Possible values are: ‘A’ (Dialog), ‘B’ (System), ‘C’ (Communications Data), ‘L’ (Reference), ‘S’ (Service).
CLASS The account’s User Group, obtained from the USR02 table.
UFLAG The account’s Lock Status, obtained from the USR02 table. Possible values are: ‘0’ (Not Locked), ‘32’ (Locked Globally by Admin), ‘64’ (Locked Locally by Admin), ‘128’ (Locked due to Incorrect Logons).
GLGTB The account’s Valid To date, obtained from the USR02 table.
ERDAT The account’s creation date, obtained from the USR02 table.
TRDAT The account’s last logon date, obtained from the USR02 table.


This spreadsheet lists the users statistics obtained from the performance history data, excluding any objects matched in the UsedObjectsToIgnore External Data Source.


This spreadsheet lists the used objects to ignore. These objects are filtered from the UsedObjects report by the UsedObjectsToIgnore External Data Source.

Test Hit Details

This spreadsheet includes the details for each test asset that matched a used object in the specified Test Repository, including the matched token and the matching test ID, test name and test path.

Analysis Input Data

This Excel report contains a copy of the input parameters used to produce the app’s Dashboard report. The value of each input parameter is stored in a separate worksheet, which is named after the parameter whose value it contains.

Standard apps