Vault revisions

Each time the Record Snapshot action is run, a revision may be created for each of the objects in the Vault. Revision numbers for Vault objects are calculated as follows. When a Vault is created it is given an initial revision number of 0. When the Record Snapshot action is run for a Vault:

  • The revision number for the Vault is incremented.
  • Source objects that do not exist in the Vault are added to the Vault with the Vault’s current revision number.
  • If a Source object exists in the Vault and has changed, a new revision for the Vault object is created using the Vault’s current revision number.
  • If a Source object exists in the Vault and has not changed, a new revision is not created for it.
  • Tables in the Vault’s Object Results folder that do not exist in the set of Source SAP tables are moved to the Shelved folder in the Vault.
  • If a shelved SAP table exists in the set of Source SAP tables, it is moved to the Vault’s Object Results folder. If the table has changed, a new revision is created for it using the Vault’s current revision number.

The Get Vault Data action’s Tables dataset may be used to list each revision number that was generated for a Vault table, regardless of whether the table changed between revisions.

Examine Vaults

Revisions details