
The Home screen allows each user to display, run and view the results of each of the Apps to which they have access. If you have LiveCompare Consumer privileges, the Home screen is displayed when you first log in to LiveCompare. If you have LiveCompare Editor privileges, the Home screen may be accessed by clicking Apps tool button. on the LiveCompare main screen.

The Home screen has the following sections:


The Header section includes links to display help for the current page and to log out of LiveCompare. If you have LiveCompare Editor privileges, it also includes a ‘Studio’ link which allows you to display the Studio interface.

If LiveCompare is project-controlled, the header includes a drop-down list box from which a project may be selected. In this case, the Apps displayed in the main part of the Home screen will be restricted to those in the currently selected project.

Click the avatar icon to edit your user profile.

Text Message

The text message section displays the text message set in the studio interface’s ‘Administration’ page. It is initially set to ‘Welcome to LiveCompare 3.9.3’. Click the ‘X’ icon to hide the message frame. The frame will be restored if you close your browser, or if you log back in to LiveCompare as a user with Consumer privileges.


Use the search field to filter the display, showing only the available Apps and utilities whose name or description matches the search text. Click the magnifying glass icon to clear the search entry and refresh the Home screen.


The sidebar on the left of the home screen lists the DevOps teams defined in LiveCompare. The following DevOps teams are available.

Development icon. Development

Testing icon. Testing

InfoSec icon. InfoSec (Information Security) 

Operations icon. Operations

Select or deselect one or more icons to filter the display to include only the Apps assigned to the selected teams. Selecting the Other icon. icon includes Apps that have not been assigned to any DevOps teams.

When the Home screen is initially displayed, each icon is deselected, which means that all the available Apps will be shown in the main part of the screen. Any selections made from the sidebar will be retained during your current LiveCompare session.


The main part of the Home screen displays the Apps that are available to the current user, filtered by any DevOps team selections made in the sidebar. Each App displays an icon, a title, a description, and the DevOps teams assigned to it. The following utilities are always available.

  • Contacts: Accesses the contacts stored in the Studio interface’s Administration page.
  • LUX: Lists the LUXes available on the LiveCompare server, and allows ZIP files generated by the Data Extract program to be uploaded. The utility also outlines the steps required to create a LUX; each step has an associated help topic.
  • Data Cleanser: This utility cleans one or more raw performance history data files downloaded from SAP using the ST03N transaction, so that they may be used with the Data Extract program.
  • Quick Compare: Runs the Quick Compare Wizard, which allows you to perform comparisons of single objects.
  • Reports: Lists all the App reports generated by the current user.

Select an App icon to display the App in the App Cockpit screen, or a utility icon to run the utility.

Hiding or Displaying Home Screen Utilities

Each utility icon on the Home screen is enabled when LiveCompare is first installed. However, one or more utilities may be hidden so they are invisible to all users. Hiding or displaying Home screen utilities requires file access to the LiveCompare server machine.

Standard Apps