The FTP tab displays the selected RFC Destination’s FTP connection details. These are used by the Read Large SAP Table action to allow SAP table data read from the RFC Destination to be transferred to the LiveCompare server via FTP. The details are shown in a table which has the following columns:

Field Description


An FTP site used to store the retrieved SAP table data before it is transferred to the LiveCompare server. On Windows, the FTP site should be configured using IIS, and the FTP program should be installed or activated as required. The FTP site’s home directory should be set to the SAP directory path described below.


The port number used by the FTP site. Typically the port number will be 22, but it may be different.

Use SSL: This check box is selected if a secure FTP connection will be created using FTP over SSL.
Verify Peer: This check box is selected if the FTP server’s SSL certificate will be verified when making the connection.
Verify SSL Host: This check box is selected if the FTP server’s SSL host name will be verified when making the connection.


The user account to be used for the FTP connection. On Windows, the account should have read-write access to the FTP home directory. On UNIX, the permissions for the FTP home directory should be set to 664 (see below).


The password for the FTP user account.

Directory path on SAP system:

The FTP home directory on the SAP system that will be used to store the retrieved SAP table data before it is transferred to the LiveCompare server. This directory must be accessible by the SAP <SID>adm account.


On UNIX, the easiest way to do this is to put the FTP home directory in the same group as the SAP <SID>adm account. This allows SAP to write to the FTP home directory, and the FTP account to read data from it. The permissions for the FTP home directory should be set to 664 (Read, Write, No Execute access for the owner and group; Read, No Write, No Execute access for all others).


Note: The total length of this path cannot be more than 21 bytes. If this is a concern, you can create a symbolic link of a shorter length to be used instead.

Directory path on LiveCompare server:

A directory on the LiveCompare server into which the table data will be transferred.

If you have LiveCompare Editor or Administrator privileges, click ‘Edit’ to edit the FTP connection details for the selected RFC Destination. If the ‘OnlyAdminEditsRFCDest’ option has been set in the Configuration - Security screen or during the installation of LiveCompare, the FTP connection details for an RFC Destination may not be modified.

RFC Destination Details