App Variants (Studio Interface)

The App Variants screen lists the variants that have been created for an App selected from the Studio interface’s App Store. The variants are displayed in a table which has the following columns:

Column Description

Variant Name

The name of the variant.

Variant Id

An internal identifier for the variant.


The name of the App for which the variant was created.


The LiveCompare user who created the variant.

Last Saved

The date and time when the variant was last saved.

Shared This column displays Private icon. if the variant is private, or Shared icon. if the variant is shared.

Click a heading (other than Variant Name) to sort the table by values in the selected column.

Filtering App Variants

To filter the App Variants display by App or User, complete the fields in the Filter section and click ‘Filter’. The asterisk character ‘*’ may be used as a wildcard. If both fields are completed, App variants are returned that match values in all the completed fields.

To remove a filter, clear each of the fields and click ‘Filter’ again.

Deleting Variants