Read Short Dump Data Actions

Read Short Dump Data actions retrieve the short dump data collected in the specified RFC Destination’s SDD tab. The retrieved short dump data is stored in a number of Table datasets, along with a summary of the data retrieved.

Action Property Description


A Table dataset which stores a summary of the data retrieved.

RFC Destination

An RFC Destination parameter or dataset whose SDD tab has been used to retrieve short dump data.

Sdd Details

A Table dataset which stores the short dump details retrieved for the RFC Destination.

Sdd Header

A Table dataset which stores the short dump headers retrieved for the RFC Destination.

Sdd Tokens A Table dataset which stores the short dump data tokens retrieved for the RFC Destination.

The Info dataset has the following columns:

Column Description


The name of an attribute.


The value of the attribute.


For COUNT attributes, this column stores the number of rows in the specified table.

The Attr column may have the following values:

Attr Description


This attribute is included if a schedule has been enabled for the retrieval of short dump data.


This attribute refers to the time (in milliseconds) taken for the scheduled run to complete.


This attribute refers to the number of months of short dump data retrieved by the scheduled run.


This attribute refers to the number of rows in the Table dataset specified in the Value column.


This attribute refers to the date and time when short dump data was last retrieved for the specified RFC Destination.


This attribute refers to the start date used for the retrieval of short dump data.


This attribute refers to the number of months of short dump data retrieved.


This attribute refers to the status of the retrieval operation.

The Value column may have the following values:

Value Description


Refers to the short dump headers retrieved from SAP.


Refers to the short dump details retrieved from SAP.

SddTokens Refers to the short dump tokens retrieved from SAP.


The value of the SCHEDULE_ON attribute.


The value for the START_DATE attribute.


The value for the START_DATE attribute.


The value for the SCHEDULE_RUNTIME, SCHEDULE_MONTHS and MONTHS attributes.


The value of the STATUS attribute.

The Sdd Details dataset stores the following details:

Column Description
REC_ID An identifier for the short dump in the form <YYMMDD_NNNNNN>. The first part of the identifier indicated the date when the short dump occurred. The second part of the identifier is a counter for the short dumps raised on the specified date.


A line of text from the short dump.

The Sdd Header dataset stores the following details:

Column Description
REC_ID An identifier for the short dump in the form <YYMMDD_NNNNNN>. The first part of the identifier indicated the date when the short dump occurred. The second part of the identifier is a counter for the short dumps raised on the specified date.


The date when the short dump was generated, in the format YYYYMMDD.


The time when the short dump was generated, in the format HHMMSS.


The SAP application host name where the short dump was generated.


The SAP user account that generated the short dump.


The SAP client number.


Index of external session.


Short dump identifier.


The name of the program in which the short dump occurred.


The name of the include in which the short dump occurred.


The line number in which the short dump occurred.

The Sdd Tokens dataset stores the following details:

Column Description
REC_ID An identifier for the short dump in the form <YYMMDD_NNNNNN>. The first part of the identifier indicated the date when the short dump occurred. The second part of the identifier is a counter for the short dumps raised on the specified date.


Token identifier.

VALUE Token value.


Read Short Dump Data action example.

To examine the details for a Read Short Dump Data action, double-click the action node, or select ‘View Details’ from the node’s context menu. The Details screen displays the time taken for the action to complete.