Sending Emails Using SSL/HTTPS

LiveCompare sends emails using a program named BLAT.EXE. While BLAT.EXE does not directly support the sending of emails using secure SMTP connections, this may be achieved using a third-party product that provides SSL features to programs that do not already have them.

To configure LiveCompare to send emails securely using SSL or HTTPS, carry out the following steps:

  1. Download the stunnel utility from (read the description on the home page and then click the ‘Downloads’ link).
  2. Install stunnel on your LiveCompare server. This example uses c:\apps\stunnel as the installation directory.
  3. Back up the contents of the c:\apps\stunnel\config directory.
  4. Create a new file using Notepad and paste in the following:

; Debugging entries (may be useful for troubleshooting)

debug = 5

output = stunnel.log

client = yes

options = ALL

options = NO_SSLv2


accept =

connect =

  1. Adjust the [ssmtp-bt] section to suit your requirements:
Key Description
accept The port that stunnel listens on for connections from BLAT.EXE.
connect The port to which stunnel securely sends BLAT.EXE data.
  1. Save the file to c:\apps\stunnel\config\stunnel.conf, choosing to overwrite the existing file.
  2. Start stunnel and check for configuration loading errors. If no errors occur, a screen similar to the following will be displayed:

stunnel GUI.

  1. Test the configuration using the Send Email action or <LiveCompare install dir>\server\bin\BLAT.EXE from the command line as follows:

blat pem.conf -server -port 25 -f -subject hello -u -pw ******** -too -debug

In this example, BLAT.EXE returned the following and the email was delivered successfully.

Blat v3.2.15 (build : Jun 26 2016 21:36:11)

32-bit Windows, Full, Unicode

<<<getline<<< 220 ESMTP Service ready

>>>putline>>> EHLO imaker


<<<getline<<< 250-DSN

<<<getline<<< 250-8BITMIME

<<<getline<<< 250-PIPELINING

<<<getline<<< 250-AUTH=LOGIN

<<<getline<<< 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN

<<<getline<<< 250-DELIVERBY 300

<<<getline<<< 250 SIZE 41943040

Sending pem.conf to

Subject: hello

Login name is

>>>putline>>> AUTH PLAIN *****

<<<getline<<< 235 PLAIN authentication successful

>>>putline>>> MAIL FROM:<>

<<<getline<<< 250 MAIL FROM:<> OK

>>>putline>>> RCPT TO:<>

<<<getline<<< 250 RCPT TO:<> OK

>>>putline>>> DATA

<<<getline<<< 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>

<<<getline<<< 250 <5797CC9E00118575> Mail accepted

>>>putline>>> QUIT

<<<getline<<< 221 QUIT

Send Email Actions