App Cockpit

The App Cockpit screen displays the variants and results that are available to you for the currently selected App. To display the screen, select an App from the Home screen.

The App Cockpit screen’s Header section displays the title of selected App, and includes links to display help for the current page and to log out of LiveCompare.

  • Click the magnifying glass icon to return to the Home screen.
  • Click the ‘Details’ link to display the App Details screen.
  • Click the book icon to display LiveCompare tutorial videos from the Tricentis Academy channel.

  • Click the avatar icon to edit your user profile.

The screen has the following sections:

My Variants

A variant is an instance of an App with a saved set of parameter values. Private variants are accessible to the current user only. Shared variants are accessible to all users who have the App on their Home screen. This section lists the variants that have been created for the App, and displays the following details for each variant.

Column Description

Click the Run Variant button. button to run a variant. When a variant is run, the workflow associated with the App is executed using the parameter values saved in the variant. The Run Variant button. button is not shown for variants that are queued or already running.

Click the Abort Variant button. button to abort a running variant. The Abort Variant button. button is shown after the App Cockpit screen is refreshed.

If a variant has been aborted, its associated workflow may be continued in the LiveCompare Studio by a user with Editor privileges. Note that stepping though the actions in an App’s associated workflow does not update the App’s run status in the Consumer interface.

Variant This column lists the name of each variant created for the App, including the default variant that is created automatically when a workflow is registered as an App. Click a link in this column to display the selected variant in the Variant screen.
Date This column displays the date and time when the variant was run.
Status This column displays the execution status for the variant. Move the mouse cursor over each status entry to display additional details.
Shared Status This column indicates whether a variant is private or shared. Private variants are assessable to the current user only, and are marked with Private icon.. Shared variants are accessible to all users who have the App on their Home screen, and are marked with Shared icon..

The Status column may contain the following values:

Status Description
<Blank> The variant has not been run.
Running (black text) The variant is currently running. The tool tip for this status displays the start time for the execution.
Running (red text) The variant is queued for execution. The number of variants and workflows that may be run concurrently is determined by the ‘MaxConcurrentProcesses’ setting in the Configuration - General screen. The tool tip for this status displays the date and time when the variant was last saved.
Success The execution of the variant has completed successfully. The tool tip for this status displays the start and end time for the execution, and the number of workflow actions run.
Failed An error occurred while executing the variant. The tool tip for this status displays the error message returned by the associated workflow.
Terminated The Tricentis LiveCompare Application Server service was stopped while the variant was running. The tool tip for this status displays the start time for the execution, and the associated error message.

Variants are listed in alphabetical order. Click a blue column heading to sort the My Variants table by data in the selected column. Refresh the browser screen periodically to update the status display for each of the variants.

My Results

This section lists the results generated for each of the App’s variants. The following details are shown.

Column Description
Result This column displays the name of the variant that generated the results. If the output dataset returned by the associated workflow contains a URL, click the link to access the URL. Normally this will display a report generated by the workflow.
Date This column displays the date and time when the variant was run.

Click the Email icon. link to open a dialog which allows you to send the App result to other users via email. Complete the ‘To:’ field, and modify the ‘Subject:’ and ‘Message:’ fields if required, then click ‘Send’. Note that commas should be used to separate multiple email addresses.

Click the Share icon. link to share the App result with one or more LiveCompare users. The users are able to access the shared results from the App Cockpit screen.

Protect from Automatic Purge If the ‘ReportExpirationDays’ configuration setting has been specified, this column allows Dashboard reports to be protected from being purged if they are older than the specified number of days. Star icon (filled). indicates that a Dashboard report will be protected from the automatic purge; Star icon (empty). indicates that the report will not be protected. Click the star icon (for Dashboard reports) to toggle the setting.

Results are listed in chronological order. Click a blue column heading to sort the My Variants table by data in the selected column. Refresh the browser screen periodically to update the display.

Private icon. Creating a New Private Variant

To create a new private variant, click ‘New Variant’ to display the New variant popup. In the ‘Based On:’ field, select [App] if the new variant should use the parameter values that were saved when the App was created. Alternatively, select a variant name to use the parameter values from the selected variant. Enter a name for the variant and click ‘OK’. The new variant is listed in the ‘My Variants’ table.

Shared icon. Creating a New Shared Variant

To create a new shared variant, click the parent variant’s Private icon. or Shared icon. icon in the last column of the My Variants table. A shared variant is created named <parent variant name>_<unique number>, which is a copy of the parent variant. The shared variant will be available to all users who access the App from their Home screen. Each user maintains their own set of variant results; the results of running a shared variant are available to the current user only.

Deleting Variants

To delete one or more variants, select the check boxes next to one or more entries in the ‘My Variants’ table, and click ‘Delete’. To mark all the variants for deletion, select the check box in the column heading. A variant that is currently running may not be deleted. If a shared variant is deleted, it will no longer be available to any users.

Deleting Results

To delete one or more App results, select the check boxes next to one or more entries in the ‘My Results’ table, and click ‘Delete’. To mark all the results for deletion, select the check box in the column heading.

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Tricentis LiveCompare Manual 4.1 © Tricentis US Corp.