Compare Test Plans Actions

Compare Test Plans actions compare test plans in the specified Source and Target ALM Test Repositories. The test plans to compare are identified by their path locations in each project’s Test Plan hierarchy.

Action Property Description
Result A Table dataset containing the test plan comparison results.
Source Root A String parameter or dataset containing the path of a test plan folder in the Source Test Repository. Path components should be separated with a backslash (\), for example Subject\Business Processes. All the test plans underneath the specified folder will be compared.
Target Root A String parameter or dataset containing the path of a test plan folder in the Target Test Repository. Path components should be separated with a backslash (\), for example Subject\Business Processes. All the test plans underneath the specified folder will be compared.
TestRepository1 A Test Repository parameter or dataset referring to the Source ALM Test Repository.
TestRepository2 A Test Repository parameter or dataset referring to the Target ALM Test Repository.

If the TestRepository1 and TestRepository2 parameters are set to the same Test Repository, the Compare Test Plans action may be used to compare a repository test plan with a modified version of the test plan stored in a different folder. The TestRepository1 and TestRepository2 parameters must point to ALM instances of the same version.


Compare Test Plans action example.

The Result dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
SOURCE_TEST_PLAN_ID The ID of a compared test plan in the Source Test Repository.
SOURCE_TEST_PLAN_PATH The path of the compared test plan in the Source Test Repository.
SOURCE_TEST_PLAN_NAME The path of a test plan in the Source Test Repository.
TARGET_TEST_PLAN_ID The ID of a compared test plan in the Target Test Repository.
TARGET_TEST_PLAN_PATH The path of the compared test plan in the Target Test Repository.
TARGET_TEST_PLAN_NAME The path of a test plan in the Target Test Repository.
STATUS The comparison status for the test.

The STATUS column may have any of the following values:

Value Description
Same The test exists in both the Source and Target projects, using the same name and base path.
In1 The test exists in the Source project only.
In2 The test exists in the Target project only.

It is possible that a test marked as ‘Same’ may in fact be different. Some attribute of the test other than its name may have changed between the Source and Target and projects.

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Tricentis LiveCompare Manual 4.1 © Tricentis US Corp.