Create Requirements Actions

Create Requirements actions create requirements in the specified ALM Test Repository.

Action Property Description
Map A Table parameter or dataset that maps requirements to user-defined fields.
Result A Table dataset that stores details of the requirements that were created.
Source A Table parameter or dataset that stores details of the requirements that are to be created.
TestRepository A Test Repository parameter or dataset referring to the ALM Test Repository in which to create requirements.


Create Requirements action example.

The Source table should have the following columns:

Column Description
Path The path to the parent of a requirement record, excluding the root Requirements folder. Path components should be separated with a backslash (\). For example, MyRequirements\Phase1. If the path is invalid, the new requirement will not be created, and no further processing of the Source table will occur.
Name The name of the requirement or folder to be created.
ReqType The name of a requirement type to be associated with the requirement. The specified Test Repository must contain a requirement type that matches this value.
Author The creator of the requirement. This must be set to a valid Test Repository username.
Priority The priority value for the requirement. This must be set to a valid Test Repository priority value.
Product The name of a product to be associated with the requirement. This must be set to a valid Test Repository product value.
TargetRelease A string value specifying the target release (optional). The string value is converted to a release object and associated with the requirement.

The requirements and folders to be created are processed in the order in which they are listed in the Source table. Note that a child requirement cannot created unless its parent folder already exists in the specified Test Repository.

The Source table may have additional columns, which can be mapped to requirement fields using the Map table. Note that the following requirement fields are mapped automatically and do not require entries in the Map table:

  • Name
  • Requirement Type
  • Author
  • Priority
  • Product
  • Target Release

The Map table should have the following columns:

Column Description
COLUMN_NAME The name of a column in the Source table, for example Description.
FIELD_NAME The name of a Test Repository requirement database column, for example RQ_REQ_COMMENT.

The Result table has the following columns:

Column Description
PATH The path to the requirement or requirements folder that was created.
ID The requirement or requirements folder ID.

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