Project Details

The View Project screen displays details for the currently selected project in the LiveCompare hierarchy. The following details are shown:

Field Description
Project Name: The name of the project.
Description: The description for the project.


This tab lists the users assigned to the project.


This tab lists the workspaces assigned to the project.

RFC Destinations

This tab lists the RFC Destinations assigned to the project.


This tab lists the External Data Sources assigned to the project.


This tab lists the Apps assigned to the project.


This tab lists the LUXes assigned to the project.

Test Repositories

This tab lists the Test Repositories assigned to the project.

S3 Buckets

This tab lists the S3 Buckets assigned to the project.

If you have LiveCompare Administrator privileges, click the ‘Edit’ button to edit the details for the selected project.

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Tricentis LiveCompare Manual 4.1 © Tricentis US Corp.