Prune Hierarchy Actions

Prune Hierarchy actions are provided with a hierarchy of objects in table format, and prune the hierarchy by removing any leaf objects that are not of any of the specified types. Leaf objects are nodes in the hierarchy that do not have any descendants. The pruned hierarchy is returned in the action’s Result dataset.

The hierarchy of objects provided to the Prune Hierarchy action is normally the Result dataset returned by the Get SAP Objects action. The default values for some of the Prune Hierarchy action’s action properties refer to column names in this result dataset.

Action Property Description
Child Name Column A String parameter or dataset which stores the column name used to store child object names in the Source table. The default value for this property is NAME.
Child Type Column A String parameter or dataset which stores the column name used to store child object types in the Source table. The default value for this property is TYPE.
Leaf Object Types A String List parameter or dataset containing a list of leaf object types that will be retained when the hierarchy is pruned. Leaf objects of all other types will be discarded in the Result dataset.
Parent Name Column A String parameter or dataset which stores the column name used to store parent object names in the Source table. The default value for this property is PARENT_NAME.
Parent Type Column A String parameter or dataset which stores the column name used to store parent object types in the Source table. The default value for this property is PARENT_TYPE.
Result A Table dataset which stores the pruned hierarchy in table format. This dataset has the same columns as the Source table.
Source A Table parameter or dataset which contains the hierarchy to be pruned. Normally this will be the Result dataset returned by the Get SAP Objects action.
System Column A String parameter or dataset which stores the column name used to store SAP system names in the Source table. The default value for this property is SYSTEM.


Prune Hierarchy action example.

To examine the details for a Prune Hierarchy action, double-click the action node, or select ‘View Details’ from the node’s context menu. The Details screen displays the number of rows in the Source table, the number of rows in the Result dataset and the time taken for the action to complete.

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