Read UPL Data Actions

Read UPL Data actions retrieve the Usage and Procedure Logging (UPL) data collected in the specified RFC Destination’s UPL tab. The retrieved UPL data is stored in a number of Table datasets, along with a summary of the data retrieved.

Action Property Description
Info A Table dataset which stores a summary of the data retrieved.
RFC Destination An RFC Destination parameter or dataset whose UPL tab has been used to extract UPL data.
UPL Statistics A Table dataset which stores the summary UPL data retrieved for the RFC Destination, grouped by program name and component object.

The Info dataset has the following columns:

Column Description
Attr The name of an attribute.
Value The value of the attribute.
Count For COUNT attributes, this column stores the number of rows in the specified table.

The Attr column may have the following values:

Attr Description
SCHEDULE_ON This attribute is included if a schedule has been enabled for the retrieval of UPL data.
SCHEDULE_RUNTIME This attribute refers to the time (in milliseconds) taken for the scheduled run to complete.
SCHEDULE_MONTHS This attribute refers to the number of months of UPL data retrieved by the scheduled run.
COUNT This attribute refers to the number of rows in the Table dataset specified in the Value column.
LAST_TIME_RUN This attribute refers to the date and time when UPL data was last retrieved for the specified RFC Destination.
START_DATE This attribute refers to the start date used for the retrieval of UPL data.
MONTHS This attribute refers to the number of months of UPL data retrieved.
STATUS This attribute refers to the status of the retrieval operation.

The Value column may have the following values:

Value Description
UplRaw Refers to the raw UPL statistics retrieved from SAP.
UplSum Refers to the summary UPL statistics retrieved from SAP.
true The value of the SCHEDULE_ON attribute.
<Date/Time> The value for the START_DATE attribute.
<Date> (YYYYMMDD) The value for the START_DATE attribute.
<Number> The value for the SCHEDULE_RUNTIME, SCHEDULE_MONTHS and MONTHS attributes.
SUCCESS/FAILED The value of the STATUS attribute.

The UPL Statistics dataset stores the following details:

Column Description
PROG_NAME The name of a program for which UPL data has been retrieved.
PROC_TYPE The type of a component object called by the program.
PROC_NAME The name of the component object.
COUNT_N The total usage count for the component object, according to the retrieved UPL data.

To examine the raw UPL data retrieved for an RFC Destination, use the Define Action Parameters Wizard to add an output table named ‘UplRaw’ to the Read UPL Data action. The UplRaw dataset stores the following details:

Column Description
UPL_DATE The date when the UPL data was retrieved by SAP, in the form YYYYMMDD.
UPL_TIME The time when the UPL data was retrieved by SAP, in the form HHMMSS.
OBJ_TYPE The type of a retrieved object.
OBJ_NAME The name of the retrieved object.
DEVCLASS The retrieved object’s Development Class.
PROG_NAME If OBJ_TYPE refers to a container object, the PROG_NAME column stores the name of an object in the container. If OBJ_TYPE is set to PROG, the PROG_NAME column stores the name of the program.
PROC_TYPE The type of a component object called by the object stored in PROG_NAME.


The name of the component object.

COUNT_N The usage count for this usage of the component object, according to the retrieved UPL data.

In the UPL Statistics and UplRaw datasets, the PROC_TYPE column may include the following types:

PROC_TYPE Description
ATSS The AT-SELECTION-SCREEN event of a program.
ATUC The AT-USER-COMMAND event of a program.
ESEL The END-OF-SELECTION event of a program.
FORM The name of a FORM called by a program’s FORM statement.
FUNC The name of a FUNCTION called by a program.
GET The GET event of a program.
INIT The INITIALIZATION event of a program.
LDPR The LOAD-OF-PROGRAM event of a program.
LISE The AT-LINE-SELECTION event of a program.
MODI The name of a module called by a program’s MODULE <module name> INPUT statement.
MODO The name of a module called by a program’s MODULE <module name> OUTPUT statement.
SSEL The START-OF-SELECTION event of a program.
TOPA The TOP-OF-PAGE event of a program.


Read UPL Data action example.

To examine the details for a Read UPL Data action, double-click the action node, or select ‘View Details’ from the node’s context menu. The Details screen displays the number of rows written to the UPL Statistics dataset and the time taken for the action to complete.

UPL Raw and Summary Data

Configuring SAP to Collect UPL Data

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