Editing App Details

If you have LiveCompare Editor privileges, App details may be edited in the Studio interface using the App Details screen. To display the screen, select the App Store folder in the LiveCompare hierarchy, and select an App’s icon or link in the App Store screen. The screen has the following sections:

Section Description
Name The name of the App.
Image The App’s associated image.
Description The description for the App.
Parameters A table listing the App’s input and output parameters.
Help This section lists any YouTube URLs that were specified for the App in the Register Workflow as App Wizard. Click a URL to view the associated video.

Editing an App’s Name, Description, Categories or Image

To edit an App’s name, description, categories or image, carry out the following steps from the App Details screen.

  1. To modify the App’s name or description, enter new values in the ‘Name’ or ‘Description’ fields.
  2. To modify an App’s DevOps categories, select new values from the ‘Categories’ field. If required, click ‘X’ to remove a category from your selections.
  3. To change an App’s associated image, click the ‘Change’ button. In the screen that follows, select an image to be displayed for the App from the list of sample images. Alternatively, click ‘Browse…’ to browse for your own image file, then click ‘Upload’ to upload it. Click ‘Done’ to confirm your changes.
  4. Click ‘Save’ to save any modified App details.

Copying an App’s Workflows to a Workspace

To copy an App’s workflows to a workspace, carry out the following steps from the App Details screen.

  1. Click ‘Copy to Workspace’. The Copy to Workspace screen lists the available target workspaces. If LiveCompare is project-controlled, only workspaces in the current project are listed.
  2. Select a target workspace that does not already contain the App’s workflow, and click ‘Copy’.

If the App’s workflow calls any workflows using the Run Workflow action, the called workflows are also copied to the workspace.

Replacing the App’s Workflow

To replace an App’s top-level workflow, carry out the following steps from the App Details screen.

  1. Click ‘Replace Workflow’ to run the Register Workflow as App Wizard.
  2. Select the workspace that contains the target workspace, then complete the Wizard to specify the App’s input parameters, output parameter, name, description and associated image. If the App’s input and output parameters have changed and the App has any existing variants, these variants may need to be recreated.

Exporting an App

If you have LiveCompare Editor or Administrator privileges, you can export an App to a ZIP file by carrying out the following steps from the App Details screen.

  1. Click ‘Export App’. The App definition is exported to a file named as follows on the LiveCompare server. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.

<LiveCompare user data dir>\public\Transfer\<App name>.zip

  1. In the screen that follows, click the ‘Download the file’ link to download the ZIP file to your local machine.

The ZIP file includes an App’s workflows, its associated image in a number of size formats, and an XML file containing the App’s definition. An App may be imported from a ZIP file by selecting the App Store folder in the LiveCompare hierarchy and choosing ‘Import App’ from its context menu.

Apps Studio Interface