App Results

The App Results screen in the Studio interface lists the results obtained by executing App variants. The App Results screen may be accessed from three folders in the LiveCompare hierarchy.

App Store/App Results

When this folder is selected in the LiveCompare hierarchy, the App Results screen lists the results obtained for all the variants that were run. If LiveCompare is project-controlled and you are logged in as an Editor, the screen only displays results for Apps that are available in the currently selected project. If you are logged in as an Administrator, the screen displays all the App results.

The results are displayed in a table which has the following columns. Click a heading to sort the table by values in the selected column.

Column Description
App The name of the App for which the results were generated.
Variant The name of the variant for which the results were generated.
User The LiveCompare user who executed the variant.
Start Time The date and time when the variant started running.
End Time The date and time when the variant finished running.
Status The execution status for the App. This column is set to ‘Success’ if a variant completed successfully, ‘Aborted’ if the variant was aborted or to ‘ErrorTermination’ if it terminated with an error.
Result If the workflow associated with a variant returns a URL in its String dataset, this column contains a link which references the URL. Click the link to access the URL, which will normally display a report that was generated as a result of executing the variant. If the workflow returns a string that is not a URL, the Result column displays the string as plain text.

Filtering App Results

To filter the App Results display by App, Variant or User, complete the fields in the Filter section and click ‘Filter’. The asterisk character ‘*’ may be used as a wildcard. If more than one field is completed, App variants are returned that match values in all the completed fields.

To remove a filter, clear each of the fields and click ‘Filter’ again.

App Store/Apps Monitor/Recent Runs

When this folder is selected in the LiveCompare hierarchy, the App Results screen displays the Apps that have run in the last specified time interval. If you are logged in as an Editor, the screen displays all the Apps that were performed during specified time interval, regardless of which projects the Apps belong to. If you are logged in as an Administrator, the screen displays all the App runs performed during the specified time interval.

The results are displayed in a table which has the following columns. Click a heading to sort the table by values in the selected column.

Column Description
App The name of the App for which the results were generated.
Variant The name of the variant for which the results were generated.
User The LiveCompare user who executed the variant.
Start Time The date and time when the variant started running.
End Time The date and time when the variant finished running.
Status The execution status for the App. This column is set to ‘Success’ if a variant completed successfully, ‘Aborted’ if the variant was aborted or to ‘ErrorTermination’ if it terminated with an error.
Result If the workflow associated with a variant returns a URL in its String dataset, this column contains a link which references the URL. Click the link to access the URL, which will normally display a report that was generated as a result of executing the variant. If the workflow returns a string that is not a URL, the Result column displays the string as plain text.

Filtering Recent Runs

To filter the Recent Runs display by App, Variant, User or Time Interval, complete the fields in the Filter section, and click ‘Filter’. If more than one field is completed, Apps are returned that match values in all the completed fields.

To remove a filter, clear each of the fields, and click ‘Filter’ again. By default, the Time Interval field is set to 7 days.

App Store/Apps Monitor/Failed Runs

When this folder is selected in the LiveCompare hierarchy, the App Results screen displays the Apps that have been aborted, or have terminated with an error. If you are logged in as an Editor, the screen displays all the failed App runs, regardless of which projects the Apps belong to. If you are logged in as an Administrator, the screen displays all the failed App runs.

The results are displayed in a table which has the following columns:

Column Description
App The name of the App for which the results were generated.
Variant The name of the variant for which the results were generated.
User The LiveCompare user who executed the variant.
Start Time The date and time when the variant started running.
End Time The date and time when the variant finished running.
Status The execution status for the variant. This field is set to ‘Aborted’ if the variant was aborted, or to ‘ErrorTermination’ if it terminated with an error.

Filtering Failed Runs

To filter the Failed Runs display by App, Variant, or User, complete the fields in the Filter section, and click ‘Filter’. If more than one field is completed, Apps are returned that match values in all the completed fields.

To remove a filter, clear each of the fields, and click ‘Filter’ again.

Deleting App Results

To delete one or more App results, select the check box next to each entry in App Results screen, and click ‘Delete’. A user with LiveCompare Editor privileges may only delete their own App results, however a user with Administrator privileges may delete App results from any other user. If an App result is deleted in one App Results screen, it will also be removed from any other App Results screens in which it is displayed.

Purging App Results