Convert Data Convert Type Values

The following conversions performed by the Convert Data action require values to be set for the action’s Convert Type parameter.

Conversion Convert Type Value
A string to a table with NAME and TYPE columns. StringsToTwoColumnTable
A table to its HTML representation stored as a string. TableToHtmlString
A table to a Boolean value. Table_Boolean
A table containing table keys into a table of field selections for the corresponding tables. TableKey_Table
A table to its field definitions. Table_TableDefinition
A table of objects to a table of object selections. ObjectListToSelectList
A table to its XML representation. TableToXML
The Result dataset from a Compare Tables action to a table with NAME, TYPE and Status columns. ConvertStatus
A compound LiveCompare object name without padding to a compound SAP object name with padding. LCNameToSAPName
A compound SAP object name with padding to a compound LiveCompare object name without padding. SAPNameToLCName
An image to a string. Image_String
A string to an image. String_Image
Two or more XML parameters or datasets to a single XML dataset.


A BSP Application ENTRY_ID returned by the SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES function to a BSP Application name. WebToWAPA

Convert Data Actions