Creating S3 Buckets

S3 Buckets store the connection parameters that allow LiveCompare to connect to Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 Buckets. If you have Administrator or LiveCompare Editor privileges, an S3 Bucket can be created by carrying out the following steps:

  1. Select the Administration/S3 Buckets folder in the LiveCompare hierarchy and choose ‘New S3 Bucket...’ from the context menu.
  2. Complete the ‘Create S3 Bucket’ screen as follows:
Field Description
Symbolic Name: Enter a symbolic name for the S3 Bucket. This will be used to refer to the S3 Bucket in LiveCompare.
Description: Enter a description for the S3 Bucket.
Bucket: Enter the name of an S3 Bucket created in the AWS Management Console.
Access Token: Paste in your Amazon Web Services Access key ID, obtained from the IAM Management Console.
Confirm Access Token: Paste in the same access token for confirmation.
Secret Key: Paste in your Amazon Web Services Secret access Key, obtained from the IAM Management Console.
Confirm Secret Key: Paste in the same secret access key for confirmation
Region: Select the region used when the S3 Bucket was created.
Compress: Indicates whether data will be stored in the S3 Bucket using GZIP compression. This check box is selected by default.
Encrypt: Indicates whether data will be stored in the S3 Bucket using AWS AES-256 encryption. This check box is selected by default.
  1. If LiveCompare is project-controlled, use the ‘Add to Projects’ section to add the S3 Bucket to one or more projects. Click ‘Select All’ to select all projects, or ‘Select None’ to select no projects. If you have LiveCompare Editor privileges, the S3 Bucket is always added to the current project, so the current project may not be deselected.

  2. Click ‘Save’ to create the S3 Bucket.

When an S3 Bucket has been created, it appears in the LiveCompare hierarchy underneath the Administration/S3 Buckets folder. Select the Administration/S3 Buckets folder to display a list of S3 Buckets in the right-hand pane.

To access an S3 Bucket from a workflow, assign it to a String parameter.

Viewing S3 Buckets

Editing S3 Buckets

Testing S3 Buckets

Deleting S3 Buckets

S3 Bucket Details