<Dataset Name> (Data Set)

If a Hierarchy dataset stores comparison results, select the <Dataset Name> (Data Set) folder in the hierarchy to display a summary of the items compared in the Details pane. The summary is shown in a table with the following columns:

Column Description
Object An object type in the set of comparison results.
Different The number of objects of this type that are different in each of the compared systems.
Same The number of objects of this type that are the same in each of the compared systems.
Only in <Sys1> The number of objects of this type that exist in the first compared system only.
Only in <Sys2> The number of objects of this type that exist in the second compared system only.
NotCompared The number of objects of this type that were not compared.
Cannot Compare The number of objects of this type that could not be compared.
% Different The number of different objects of this type, expressed as a percentage.

The % Different column is calculated as follows:

% Different = Different + Only in <Sys1> + Only in <Sys2> / Total objects of this type * 100