Development Dashboard Report

The Development Dashboard Report includes the following charts. Click each of these charts to open the Development Excel Report.

  • The Used Standard vs. Used Custom pie chart displays a usage summary for the used standard and custom code objects on the As-Is system.
  • The Used vs. Impacted Custom column chart summarizes the used and impacted custom code objects.
  • The Used vs. Unused Custom pie chart displays a usage summary for the used and unused custom code objects on the As-Is system.
  • The Object Type Impact column chart provides a summary of impacted objects, grouped by object type.
  • The Good, Bad & Ugly pie chart provides a summary of the custom code on the As-Is system, grouped by code quality.
  • The Custom Code Quality column chart provides a summary of the quality rule violations in the custom code, grouped by rule type. The number of objects with quality rule violations in each rule category is reported.
  • The SPDD & SPAU column chart provides a summary of the SPDD and SPAU objects that may need to be adjusted following an upgrade.

Additional Resources

The Development Dashboard Report includes a link to the Development Excel Report.

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