Folder Objects

When a folder object is selected in a Hierarchy dataset, the Details pane displays a table listing all the objects retrieved into the folder. The table has the following columns:

Column Description
Status If the Hierarchy dataset contains comparison results, this column indicates the comparison status of the object.
Type The type of each object.
Object The name of each object. Click a link to display details for the object.
Description The description of each object.

Click a column heading in the table to sort the data by the selected column. By default, the table is sorted by the Object column.

Each folder in the <Object Type> Results section of the hierarchy may be expanded to display the all the folder’s child objects.

A range of cells may be selected in the table display by using Left Click+Drag in the column headings or table body. Alternatively, use Shift+Arrow Keys to select cells using the keyboard. To select the entire table, choose ‘Select All’ from the table display’s context menu.

To export the selection to an Excel spreadsheet, choose ‘Export Selection to Excel’ from the table display’s context menu.

Options icon. Options

Click the ‘Options’ icon to show or hide the Options dialog:

User Preferences dialog.

Enter a maximum number of objects to display in the ‘Maximum number of objects to display:’ field. This value applies to all tables viewed by the current user, and is also stored in the ‘Maximum number of rows/objects to display:’ User Preferences field.

If the table shows comparison results, select the appropriate check boxes in the ‘Display objects with status:’ section to display only those objects with the selected comparison statuses. Each LiveCompare user may have their own settings, but the settings apply to all table comparison views.

Click ‘OK’ to save your changes.

Export to Excel icon. Export to Excel

Click the ‘Export to Excel’ icon to export the table to Microsoft Excel.

Hierarchy Datasets