Replacing External Data Files

If you have LiveCompare Editor or Administrator privileges, you can replace the data file associated with an Excel, Access or CSV External Data Source by carrying out the following steps:

  1. Select an Excel, Access or CSV External Data Source from the Data/External Data Sources folder in the LiveCompare hierarchy, and click ‘Replace Data File’ in the Details pane.
  2. If the data file to be replaced is shared by more than one External Data Source, a warning message is displayed listing the affected External Data Sources. Click ‘OK’ to continue.
  3. The Replace External Data File screen displays the current data file for the selected External Data Source. Click ‘Browse…’ to select a new data file of the same type as the current file.
  4. Click ‘OK’ to upload the new data file to the LiveCompare server. After uploading, the replacement file will be renamed to match the current filename.

Note that replacement Access database files should include the table name referred to by the original Access External Data Source. Similarly, replacement Excel files should include the original data source’s worksheet name.