RFC Signature Builder Wizard

The RFC Signature Builder Wizard customizes a Generic RFC Call action by associating it with a remote function call from a specified RFC Destination. When a remote function call is chosen, the Generic RFC Call action is updated with action properties that correspond to the remote function call’s parameters.

To start the Wizard, add the following nodes to a workflow diagram:

To start the Wizard, select the Generic RFC Call action and choose ‘Get RFC Signature’ from the context menu. The RFC Signature Builder wizard dialog is displayed in the lower portion of the Workflow Editor, showing the name of the action being edited. Note that the workflow diagram may not be edited while this dialog is displayed.

Select an RFC Destination

This screen lists the RFC Destination parameters in the current workflow diagram, and the RFC Destination assigned to each parameter.

Select an RFC Destination screen.

Select the RFC Destination that includes the remote function to be called, then click ‘Next’ to continue.

Select a Function

This screen allows you to specify the name of the RFC to be bound to the Generic RFC Call action.

Select a Function screen.

Enter the name of an ABAP remote function which is available on the specified RFC Destination, then click ‘Next’ to continue. Function names are converted to upper case.

Preview Results

This screen displays the RFC signature downloaded for the specified remote function.

Preview Results screen.

The ‘RFC signature’ table lists the action properties that will be added to the Generic RFC Call action to support the remote function call.

Column Description
Name The name of each action property.
InOut The direction of each action property.
Data Type The data type of each action property.

The ‘InOut’ column may have any of the following values:

Value Description
In The action property provides an input for the workflow action.
Out The action property provides an output for the workflow action.

If the function to be called has any parameters of type CHANGING, these are represented by two entries in the ‘RFC signature:’ table: an input parameter named IN_<parameter name>, and an output parameter named OUT_<parameter name>.

The direction of each action property may be modified by clicking values in the ‘InOut’ column.

Click ‘Finish’ to confirm your changes and close the Rfc Signature Builder wizard dialog. The new action properties for the Generic RFC Call action are stored in upper case, with spaces replaced by underscores. If necessary, the Wizard may be run again by choosing ‘Get RFC Signature’ from the Generic RFC Call action’s context menu.