Standard and Custom ABAP Quality Rule Files

The standard rule definition files used by the Analyze ABAP Quality action are stored in the \web\data\ABAP Quality directory on the LiveCompare server. In this directory:

  • Quality rule definitions are stored in a file named default_quality_rules.xml. This file is referenced in the Analyze ABAP Quality action’s Quality Rule file property.
  • Scenarios, categories and rule IDs used in AAQ Select List parameters are stored in a file named quality_metadata.xml.

The definitions for any custom quality rules should be stored in the <LiveCompare user data dir>\public\ABAP Quality directory. In this directory:

  • Custom quality rule definitions should be stored in a file named custom_quality_rules.xml.
  • Custom scenarios, categories and rule IDs to be used in AAQ Select List parameters should be stored in a file named custom_quality_metadata.xml.

If custom rule definition files are provided, they are merged with the standard rule definitions stored in the \web\data\ABAP Quality directory. In the rule definition files:

  • Token lists, token pair lists and object type lists (which may be required by custom rules) are merged with the standard ones at the top level only. New lists are added, but existing lists are not extended.
  • The custom rules are merged with the standard ones at the scenario, category and rule level.

Modifying custom quality rule files does not require the Tricentis LiveCompare Application Server service to be restarted.

Please contact Tricentis Technical Support if you wish to use a custom rule file, or if you have upgraded from an earlier release of LiveCompare where a custom rule file was used.

Analyze ABAP Quality Actions