Variant (Consumer Interface)

The Variant screen is displayed when a variant link is selected in the App Cockpit screen. It displays fields for the input parameters that were specified when the workflow was registered as an App, and allows their values to be edited. For new variants, the fields are set to the workflow’s original parameter values. For variants that have been edited, the fields are set to the values that were specified when the variant was saved.

Renaming a Variant

To rename a variant, click ‘Rename’ to display the Rename variant popup. Enter a new name for the variant, and then click ‘OK’. The variant is renamed and populated with the original variant’s last set of saved parameter values.

Specifying Parameter Values

The input parameters for a variant are listed above the Variant screen’s ‘Run’ button. Set the parameter values for a variant as follows:

AAQ Select List Parameters

If an AAQ Select List parameter has been added to an App, the Variant screen displays the number of items in the AAQ Select List. To modify an AAQ Select List parameter, click ‘Edit’.

Boolean Parameters

Boolean parameters are displayed in variants as drop-down lists. To modify a Boolean parameter, select either ‘True’ or ‘False’ from the drop-down list.

External Data Source Parameters

External Data Source parameters are displayed in variants as drop-down lists. To modify an External Data Source parameter, select an External Data Source from the drop-down list. If LiveCompare is project-controlled, the External Data Sources available to a variant are limited to those in the currently selected project.

If the External Data Source specified in a variant is not available, the External Data Source’s drop-down list will be blank. In this case, you will need to select a valid External Data Source from the drop-down list before running the variant.

IMG Select List Parameters

If an IMG Select List parameter has been added to an App, the Variant screen displays the number of items in the IMG Select List. To modify an IMG Select List parameter, click ‘Edit’.

Integer, Float, String and String Multiline Parameters

Integer, Float, String and String Multiline parameters are displayed in variants as single fields. To modify each of these parameter types, enter a new value (or values) into the field. If an invalid entry is made in an Integer or Float field, a message box is displayed and the cursor is returned to the field so that the entry may be corrected.

RFC Destination Parameters

RFC Destination parameters are displayed in variants as drop-down lists. To modify an RFC Destination parameter, select an RFC Destination from the drop-down list. If LiveCompare is project-controlled, the RFC Destinations available to a variant are limited to those in the currently selected project.

If the RFC Destination specified in a variant is not available, the RFC Destination’s drop-down list will be blank. In this case, you will need to select a valid RFC Destination from the drop-down list before running the variant.

LUX Parameters

LUX parameters are displayed in variants as drop-down lists. To modify a LUX parameter, select a new LUX from the drop-down list. Only valid LUXes are listed. If LiveCompare is project-controlled, the LUXes available to a variant are limited to those in the currently selected project.

If the LUX specified in a variant is not available, the LUX’s drop-down list will be blank. In this case, you will need to select a valid LUX from the drop-down list before running the variant.

Pair List Parameters

If a Pair List parameter has been added to an App, the Variant screen displays the number of items in the Pair List. To modify a Pair List parameter click ‘Edit’.

Select List Parameters

If a Select List parameter has been added to an App, the Variant screen displays the number of items in the Select List. To modify a Select List parameter click ‘Edit’.

String List Parameters

If a String List parameter has been added to an App, the Variant screen displays the number of items in the String List. To modify a String List parameter click ‘Edit’.

Table Parameters

If a Table parameter has been added to an App, the Variant screen displays the number of rows in the Table. To modify a Table parameter click ‘Edit’.

Test Repository Parameters

Test Repository parameters are displayed in variants as drop-down lists. To modify a Test Repository parameter, select a RFC Destination from the drop-down list. If LiveCompare is project-controlled, the Test Repositories available to a variant are limited to those in the currently selected project.

If the Test Repository specified in a variant is not available, the Test Repository’s drop-down list will be set to ‘--Not Selected--’. In this case, you will need to select a valid RFC Destination from the drop-down list before running the variant.

Rich User Interface Controls

If rich user interface controls were specified when the App was registered, Boolean parameters may be displayed as switches, Integer and Float parameters may be displayed as sliders, and String parameters may be displayed as value lists, date fields or mask fields. The initial values for sliders, value lists, date fields and mask fields are validated as follows:


If a value set in the registered workflow is outside the range of the slider, the value will still be displayed in the App’s edit control. However, adjusting the slider will reset the value.

Value Lists

If a value set in the registered workflow is not in the specified list of values, the App’s list box will be set to the first item in the value list.

Date Fields

If a value set in the registered workflow is not a valid date, the App’s calendar control will be set to today’s date, and the edit field associated with the control will be blank. If the ‘Initialize with current date’ setting was selected when the App was registered, a newly-opened variant will always display the current date, even if a previous date value has been saved in the variant.

Mask Fields

If the value set in the registered App matches the mask pattern, it will be set in the edit field. Otherwise, the placeholder value will be set in the edit field when the field gains focus.

Distributing Results

If LiveCompare’s email settings have been specified in the Configuration - Email screen, a variant may be configured to send its result to one or more email addresses when its execution has completed. Note that this feature is not available if the DisableAppNotifications field in the Configuration - Email screen has been set to X.

The email sent by LiveCompare has the following format:

To: <Email Recipients>

Subject: LiveCompare App <App Name> has finished: <Variant Name>

LiveCompare App <App Name> has finished processing <Variant Name>.

The detailed report is here:

<Report URL>



<YouTube Help URLs>

Input Parameters:

<Parameter List>


<YouTube Help URLs>

The parameter list includes the input parameters supplied to the App and their values, with the following limitations:

Data Type Limitation
Table Shows only the first three columns of the first three rows.
String List Shows up to three string values.
Select List Shows only the FIELD, OP, LOW values of the first three list items.
AAQ Select List Shows the first scenario id only.
IMG Select List Shows internal CLASS and OBJECT values of the first three selections.

To configure the variant to send its results via email, enter one or more email addresses in the ‘Distribute Results’ field, each separated by a comma or a space. When the execution of the variant has completed successfully, each user will receive an email which includes the variant’s result. Normally this will be the URL of a generated report.

Click the Remove email button. button if required to remove an email address from the distribution list.

Saving a Variant

To save an existing variant, click the ‘Save’ button. The variant is overwritten so that it stores the current set of parameter values and distribution email addresses. Any results that have been generated for the variant will not be affected. Variants that have an execution status of ‘Running’ or ‘Queued’ may not be saved. Click ‘Cancel’ to discard any changes and return to the Variant screen.

Running a Variant

To run a variant from the Variant screen, click the ‘Run’ button. The variant is saved if necessary, and the workflow associated with the variant’s App is executed using the specified parameter values. Refresh the App Cockpit screen periodically to monitor the variant’s execution status.

Note that while a variant is running, it may not be renamed and its parameter values may not be edited. While a variant is running, the ‘Edit’ buttons for Pair List, Select List, String List and Table parameters are renamed as ‘View’. Click the ‘View’ button next to a parameter to display the parameter’s values.

If LiveCompare’s email settings have been specified in the Configuration - Email screen, an email will be sent to the user who executed the variant when the variant completes successfully, terminates with an error, or is aborted. This behavior may be disabled for all users by means of a registry setting on the LiveCompare server.

Aborting a Variant

To abort a variant that is running or queued, click ‘Abort Run’. Click the ‘refresh’ link on the App Cockpit screen to update the variant’s execution status.

Navigation Panel

The navigation panel is displayed on the left-hand side of each Apps screen, and includes the following icons:

Icon Description
LiveCompare tool button. Displays the LiveCompare Dashboard.
Dashboard tool button. Displays the LiveCompare Dashboard.
Apps tool button. Displays the Apps screen.
Studio tool button. Returns to the LiveCompare Studio (available for users with LiveCompare Editor privileges).
Quick Compare tool button. Displays the Quick Compare Wizard.
LUX tool button. Displays the LUX utility.
Data Cleanser tool button. Displays the Data Cleanser utility.
Contacts tool button. Displays the Contacts utility.


The following icons are displayed on the top right-hand side of each Apps screen.

Icon Description
Academy tool button. Accesses the Tricentis LiveCompare Consumers playlist from the Tricentis Academy.
Help tool button. Displays help for the current screen.
User tool button Includes options to display your user profile, or to log out.

If LiveCompare is project-controlled, the header includes a drop-down list box from which a project may be selected. Note that it is not possible to run variants for Apps that are not in the currently selected project.

App Cockpit