Write Data Store Actions

Write Data Store actions read data from a Table dataset and write it to a Data Store in the current workspace.

Action Property Description
Data Store A Data Store parameter or dataset referring to an existing Data Store in the current workspace, or to a new Data Store which will be created if the action is successful.
Delete Table A Boolean parameter which determines whether the table specified in the Table Name parameter should be deleted from the Data Store. If this parameter is set to ‘true’ and the Table Name and Data Store parameters have been set, the specified table will be deleted from the Data Store. If the Delete Table parameter is set to ‘true’, the Source parameter for the Write Data Store action should be left unset.
Overwrite A Boolean parameter which determines whether the specified table in the Data Store will be overwritten with the source data (‘true’) or appended to with the source data (‘false’). If this parameter is not set, ‘false’ is used as the default value.
Source A Table dataset to be written to the specified table in the specified Data Store. If the table already exists in the Data Store and the overwrite parameter is set to ‘false’, the columns in the Source table must match the columns in the Data Store table.
Table Name

A String dataset or parameter specifying the name to be associated with the Source table when it is written to the Data Store. The dataset or parameter value should not contain any spaces. If the Source table was obtained from the results of the Read SAP Table or Read Large SAP Table action, this property would normally be set from the Read SAP Table or Read Large SAP Table action’s Table Name parameter.

If the Data Store property has been set, you may enter a new value or select one of the Data Store’s existing tables.


Write Data Store action example.

If the Data Store parameter specifies a new Data Store, you will need to refresh the workspace’s ‘Data Stores’ hierarchy to display the Data Store after the action has completed. To refresh the hierarchy, choose ‘Reload Children’ from the Data Stores folder’s context menu.

Write Data Store actions support the use of the Define Action Parameters Wizard, which allows a new output property of type Table to be created. This output table is not populated by the Write Data Store action; however it may be used to influence the flow of execution of workflow actions.

To examine the details for a Write Data Store action, double-click the action node, or select ‘View Details’ from the node’s context menu. The Details screen displays the number of rows read from the Source table and the time taken for the action to complete.