Read S3 Bucket Actions

Read S3 Bucket actions read the data stored in the specified S3 Bucket, defined in the ‘Administration/S3 Buckets’ hierarchy folder. The results are stored in a Table dataset.


Action Property Description
Result A Table dataset which stores the data retrieved from the specified S3 Bucket.
S3 Bucket A String parameter or dataset containing the symbolic name of the S3 Bucket to read.

The Result dataset has the following columns.


Column Description
KEY The unique key stored for the Bucket object. The Result dataset uses this column as a key field.
SIZE The size of the Bucket object in bytes, stored as a 64-bit signed value.
OWNER The display name of the Bucket object’s owner. This field is normally blank.
ETAG The Bucket object’s ETag.
STORAGE_CLASS The Bucket object’s storage class.
LAST_MODIFIED The date and time when the Bucket object was last modified, in ISO-8061 format.


Read S3 Bucket Action Example.

Creating S3 Buckets

Write S3 Bucket Actions