Short Dump Watch App

The Short Dump Watch App provides a summary of the short dump data that has been retrieved for the specified RFC Destination.

A user with LiveCompare Editor privileges must prepare this App by making sure that short dump data is available for the ‘SAP System’ RFC Destination. See the ‘Prerequisites’ section below for details.

DevOps Categories



Before running the Short Dump Watch App for the first time, you will need to make sure that short dump data is available on the RFC Destination selected for the ‘SAP System’ system. Select the RFC Destination in the LiveCompare hierarchy and click the SDD tab. Select the number of months of data to retrieve, then click ‘Update Data’. The short dump data may also be retrieved using a schedule. See the Retrieving Short Dump Data help topic for details.

Running the App

To run the Used Objects App, select the App from the Apps screen and create an App variant. Set the ‘SAP System’ field to the RFC Destination for the system to be analyzed and click ‘Run’. When the variant has completed, its results may be accessed from the App Cockpit screen.

App Results

The Impact App generates a Dashboard report, which includes the following charts:

  • The ‘Top N by Type’ pie chart displays the top 5 short dumps grouped by type.
  • The ‘Top N by Program’ pie chart displays the top 5 short dumps grouped by their associated Program.
  • The ‘Top N by Include’ pie chart displays the top 5 short dumps grouped by their associated Include.
  • The ‘Top N by User’ pie chart displays the top 5 short dumps grouped by the user who generated the short dump.
  • The ‘By Month’ column chart displays the number of short dumps generated in each reported month.
  • The ‘By Time of Day’ column chart displays the number of short dumps generated in each hour of the day.

The Dashboard report also includes links to the following reports:

Short Dump Watch Details

This Excel report includes the following spreadsheets:


This spreadsheet includes the Dashboard reports described above.


This spreadsheet includes help for each of the spreadsheet reports.

SDD Headers

This report displays the header details for the retrieved short dumps. The spreadsheet includes the following columns:

Column Description
REC_ID An identifier for the short dump in the form <YYMMDD_NNNNNN>. The first part of the identifier indicated the date when the short dump occurred. The second part of the identifier is a counter for the short dumps raised on the specified date.
DATUM The date when the short dump was generated, in the format YYYYMMDD.
UZEIT The time when the short dump was generated, in the format HHMMSS.
AHOST The SAP application host name where the short dump was generated.
UNAME The SAP user account that generated the short dump.
MANDT The SAP client number.
MODNO Index of external session.
DUMPID Short dump identifier.
PROGRAMNAME The name of the program in which the short dump occurred.
INCLUDENAME The name of the include in which the short dump occurred.
LINENUMBER The line number in which the short dump occurred.

SDD Archive Info

This spreadsheet provides a summary which includes counts of the retrieved short dump data header records, detail records and tokens. It also includes the last run time for the retrieval of short dump data from the specified RFC Destination, the start date from which short dump data was obtained, the number of months of short dump data retrieved, and the status of the retrieve operation.

Analysis Input Data

This Excel report contains a copy of the input parameters used to produce the App’s Dashboard report. The value of each input parameter is stored in a separate worksheet, which is named after the parameter whose value it contains.

Standard Apps