S.26 - Landscape Synchronization Analysis

This template was designed to prevent an inadvertent overlay of adjustments in a dual landscape environment. It extracts objects from a list of staged custom transports on the Source system that are awaiting import into the Target system. It displays a list of transports on the Target system containing common objects that were created after the Source transports. The implication is that there are changes to common objects on the Target system that were not adjusted on the Source system.

Dual Landscape Scenario

Dual landscapes are used in many ways in SAP. They are used for upgrades and development projects or for maintaining multiple production landscapes for regional corporate entities. One thing they all have in common is the need for tight controls on changes made in each landscape. Changes made to common objects in each landscape must be transported to the other landscape to keep both in sync. If manual controls break down, changes to common objects from one landscape could be overlaid by transports from the other landscape.

Usually when the dual landscape is created, the development system is copied from the production landscape to create the development system in the new landscape; therefore the objects to be maintained are identical in the beginning.

As time goes by, changes will be made to one, or both, landscapes requiring an equal adjustment to the redundant landscape.

It is the responsibility of the developers in each landscape to make sure all changes made to common objects in their landscape are adjusted in the redundant landscape, but sometimes the process breaks down.

If any of the common objects in the dual landscape have not been adjusted or not adjusted in the appropriate order, then importing the Source transports will result in those objects being overlaid in the Target landscape.

The results from the workflow are stored in three Table datasets which are used to generate an Excel report. The Table datasets are described below.

1. Most Recent Target Objects Changed AFTER the Source Objects

This table contains the most recent Target transport changes made after the changes to the common objects in the Source transports. If you import the Source transports into the production system, you risk overwriting those changes. The next step might be to feed these results into the ‘Compare Objects’ workflow to see side-by-side how the Source objects are different from the Target objects.

Column Description
OBJECT_NAME The name of an object in the selected transport.
OBJECT_TYPE The converted type of the object from the selected transport.
ORIG_OBJECT_NAME The original name of the transport object.
ORIG_OBJECT_TYPE The original type of the transport object.
STATUS The status of the selected transport.
SOURCE_TRANSPORT The name of the source transport.
TARGET_TRANSPORT The name of the target transport.
SOURCE_CHANGED_BY The user who last changed the source transport.
TARGET_CHANGED_BY The user who last changed the target transport.
TARGET_LAST_CHANGED_DATE The last change date and time for the target transport.

2. All Target Objects Changed AFTER the Source Objects

This table provides the full transport change history for each of the objects in (1). While (1) shows the most recent Target transport to change each object, this table includes all the Target transports that have changed the objects. This table may be useful when examining the history of changes to objects. It is an information source only.

Column Description
OBJECT_NAME The name of an object in the selected transport.
OBJECT_TYPE The converted type of the object from the selected transport.
ORIG_OBJECT_NAME The original name of the transport object.
ORIG_OBJECT_TYPE The original type of the transport object.
STATUS The status of the selected transport.
TARGET_TRANSPORT The name of the target transport.
TARGET_CHANGED_BY The user who last changed the target transport.
TARGET_LAST_CHANGED_DATE The last change date and time for the target transport.

3. All Most Recent Objects NOT in Source Transports

This table contains the objects that were changes in the Target system since the specified date, and when the workflow is run, those that are not also in the Source transports. If the Source system ends with these transports, then this table can be ignored. However, if the Source system will be retained, perhaps as the basis for a further project, then you should consider integrating these changed objects from the Target system to the Source system to prevent the landscapes from diverging.

Column Description
OBJECT_NAME The name of an object in the selected transport.
OBJECT_TYPE The converted type of the object from the selected transport.
ORIG_OBJECT_NAME The original name of the transport object.
ORIG_OBJECT_TYPE The original type of the transport object.
STATUS The status of the selected transport.
TARGET_TRANSPORT The name of the target transport.
TARGET_CHANGED_BY The user who last changed the target transport.
TARGET_LAST_CHANGED_DATE The last change date and time for the target transport.

Creating RFC Destinations

Before you begin, you will need to create RFC Destinations for the Source and Target SAP systems.

Preparing the Workflow

To prepare the S.26 - Landscape Synchronization Analysis workflow, drag its workflow template from the Templates folder into your own workspace, and modify the workflow as follows:

To specify the Source and Target systems:

  1. Select the System1 (Source) parameter and choose ‘Edit RFC Destination’ from its context menu to display the RFC Destination dialog.

  2. Select the RFC Destination for the Source system, then click ‘Save’.

Repeat the above steps to link the System2 (Target) parameter to the RFC Destination for the Production system.

To specify the Source custom transports to analyze:

  1. Select the Transport list parameter and choose ‘Edit Table’ from its context menu to display the Table Editor dialog.

  2. Enter one or more custom transport names from the Source system, then click ‘Save’.

To specify the start date:

  1. Select the Begin Date of Selection from Target parameter and choose ‘Edit Select List’ from its context menu to display the Select List Editor dialog.

  2. Modify the AS4DATE line so that the ‘Low Value’ column contains the desired start date in YYYYMMDD format, then click 'Save'.

Save the workflow using the ‘Save’ toolbar button.

Running the Workflow

To run the S.26 - Landscape Synchronization Analysis workflow, click the ‘Run’ toolbar button, choose ‘Run Now’ from the diagram’s context menu, or press F5. The currently running workflow action is marked with an animated display. When the workflow execution has completed, select the Report URL dataset and choose ‘View Details’ from the context menu to display the report.