Check Prerequisites

This workflow is called by the Smart Impact Analysis workflow in order to validate the Smart Impact Analysis workflow’s inputs. The Check Prerequisites workflow generates an error in a short amount of time if:

  • The Smart Impact workflow is run with a missing or invalid Analysis System.

  • An Object Links Cache database does not exist for the Analysis System.

  • The Object Links Cache database is more than 7 days old.

  • Any of the following External Data Sources are missing or not available in the current project: Business Critical Objects, ChangingObjectsToIgnore, Custom Object Naming Patterns, Smart Insights, TCOD-PROG Map, UsedObjectsToIgnore.

If the Smart Impact workflow fails with an error in the Check Prerequisites workflow, check that the Analysis System and Comparison System parameters are assigned to valid RFC Destinations that exist in your current project (if projects have been defined). You should also check that each of the External Data Sources listed above are available in the LiveCompare hierarchy.