Find SPDD & SPAU Objects Matching Support Pack Objects

This workflow examines the SMODILOG table on the specified SAP system and identifies a set of objects that have been modified or enhanced in the past, and that are included in a set of transports or support packs that are to be applied. When the transports or support packs are applied, any modified objects may need to be adjusted. Alternatively, a user may choose to overlay the modified objects with standard SAP objects from the transports.

SAP transactions SPDD and SPAU are used in this process. Transaction SPDD is used to adjust dictionary object types ENQU, SHLP, TYPE, INTF, TABL, VIEW, DOMA, DTEL and TTYP. Transaction SPAU is used to adjust all other object types; these are repository (ABAP) objects.

The Find SPDD & SPAU Objects Matching Support Pack Objects workflow extracts each set of objects from the SMODILOG table, and labels them as ‘SPDD’ and ‘SPAU’ objects respectively. The objects are then matched against objects in the support packs provided to the workflow to identify the SPDD objects and SPAU objects that may need to be adjusted when the support packs are applied.

If a support pack has not been applied to the Source SAP system, it must be disassembled before it can be analyzed using the Find SPDD & SPAU Objects Matching Support Pack Objects workflow. This can be done by running transaction SAINT and selecting ‘Disassemble OCS Package’ from the ‘Utilities’ menu. Alternatively, it may be disassembled using the Package Disassembler App.

The results are stored in two table datasets named ‘SPDD Objects’ and ‘SPAU Objects’. These tables have the following columns:

Column Description
OBJ_TYPE OBJ_TYPE The type of an object from a support pack or transport that also occurs in the SMODILOG table.
OBJ_NAME The name of the object.
SUB_TYPE The type of the object’s subobject.
SUB_NAME The name of the subobject.
ADJUST_TYPE This column is set to SPDD in the ‘SPDD Objects’ table, and to SPAU in the ‘SPAU Objects’ table.
TRKORR The name of the support pack or transport that includes the object.
AS4TEXT The description for the support pack or transport.
AS4USER The name of the user who last modified the support pack or transport.
AS4DATE The support pack or transport’s last modification date.
INT_TYPE The INT_TYPE column from the SMODILOG table.
INT_NAME The INT_NAME column from the SMODILOG table.
OPERATION The OPERATION column from the SMODILOG table.
MAIN_PROG The MAIN_PROG column from the SMODILOG table.
INCLUDE The INCLUDE column from the SMODILOG table.
MOD_NAME The MOD_NAME column from the SMODILOG table.
MOD_LANGU The MOD_LANGU column from the SMODILOG table.
MOD_USER The MOD_USER column from the SMODILOG table.
MOD_DATE The MOD_DATE column from the SMODILOG table.
MOD_TIME The MOD_TIME column from the SMODILOG table.
ACTIVE The ACTIVE column from the SMODILOG table.
INACTIVE The INACTIVE column from the SMODILOG table.
UPGRADE The UPGRADE column from the SMODILOG table.
PRE_CORR The PRE_CORR column from the SMODILOG table.
PROT_ONLY The PROT_ONLY column from the SMODILOG table.
UPG_MODE The UPG_MODE column from the SMODILOG table.
MARK Indicates new objects in the support package queue.
SPAU The SPAU column from the SMODILOG table.
SPAU_CODE The SPAU_CODE column from the SMODILOG table.

Creating RFC Destinations

Before running the Find SPDD & SPAU Objects Matching Support Pack Objects workflow, you will need to create an RFC Destination for the SAP system to analyze.

Preparing the Workflow

To prepare the Find SPDD & SPAU Objects Matching Support Pack Objects workflow, drag its workflow template from the Templates folder into your own workspace, and modify the workflow as follows:

To specify the system to analyze:

  1. Select the RFC Destination parameter and choose ‘Edit RFC Destination’ from its context menu to display the RFC Destination dialog.

  2. Select the RFC Destination for the system to analyze, then click ‘Save’.

To specify which support packs or transports to analyze:

  1. Select the Support Pack Selections parameter and choose ‘Edit Table’ from its context menu to display the Table Editor dialog.

  2. The Support Pack Selections table has the following columns:

Column Description
SELNAME This column should be set to SPPK.
KIND This column should be set to S
SIGN If this column is set to ‘I’ the transport specification will be included in the analysis. If the column is set to ‘E’, the transport specification will be excluded. The ‘E’ option should only be used if the table also has a row which uses the ‘I’ option.
OPTION The comparison operator to use: One of EQ, GT, GE, LT, LE, BT or CP. See the Select List Parameters help topic for details.
LOW The name of the ‘low’ transport name in the specification.
HIGH If the BT (Between) operator is used, this column refers to the ‘high’ comparison value.
  1. Modify the table so that it contains specifications for the support packs or transports to be analyzed, then click 'Save'.

Support packs or transports that have been disassembled but not imported should be specified individually in the Support Pack Selections table using the EQ operator. Transports that have been imported may be specified using the BT operator with a range of values.

Save the workflow using the 'Save' toolbar button.

Running the Workflow

To run the Find SPDD & SPAU Objects Matching Support Pack Objects workflow, click the ‘Run’ toolbar button, choose ‘Run Now’ from the diagram’s context menu, or press F5. The currently running workflow action is marked with an animated display. When the workflow execution has completed, select each of the SPDD Objects and SPAU Objects datasets and choose ‘View Details’ from their context menus.