Smart Insights

This workflow analyzes the results produced by the Smart Impact App or workflow, and produces a Dashboard report that summarizes the results on a monthly basis. The Dashboard report summarizes the following:

  • The most-at-risk objects and their test coverage.

  • The test gaps by their object type.

  • The used objects by their type.

  • The used objects by their test coverage.

The workflow should be scheduled to run each month, and reports the results for each month in which the Smart Impact App or workflow was run. If the workflow is run more than once in a month, the results for the current month are updated. Note that this workflow only reports on Smart Impact App runs from LiveCompare 3.9.4 (or later releases).

Preparing the Workflow

To prepare the Smart Insights workflow, drag its workflow template from the Templates folder into your own workspace, and modify the workflow as follows:

To specify the Test Repository to be used for identifying hits and gaps:

  1. Select the Test Repository parameter and choose ‘Edit Test Repository’ from its context menu to display the Test Repository dialog.

  2. Select the Test Repository used in the Smart Impact App runs to be analyzed, then click ‘Save’.

To set the Test Repository path to search:

  1. Select the Search Paths parameter and choose ‘Edit String List’ from its context menu to display the String List dialog.

  2. Set the String List to limit the search for test assets to one or more project folders in the specified Test Repository. Each path should begin with the Subject folder, and a backslash (\) should be used to separate path components, for example Subject\Release1.

Save the workflow using the ‘Save’ toolbar button.

Running the Workflow

To run the Smart Insights workflow, click the 'Run' toolbar button, choose ‘Run Now’ from the diagram’s context menu, or press F5. The currently running workflow action is marked with an animated display. When the workflow execution has completed, select the Report URL dataset and choose ‘View Details’ from the context menu to access the generated report.

Scheduling the Workflow

The Smart Insights workflow should be scheduled to run monthly so that the Dashboard report is updated to include the previous month’s results.

Workflow Results

The Smart Insights workflow generates a Dashboard report which includes the following charts. In these results:

  • ‘Hits’ are objects for which test assets have been found in the specified Test Repository.

  • ‘Gaps’ are objects for which there are no available test assets.

Most-at-Risk Test Coverage

This column chart summarizes the most at risk objects, showing the number of hits and gaps in each reported month.

Gaps by Type

This column chart summarizes the gaps by their object type for each reported month.

Usage Objects by Type

This column chart summarizes the used objects by their object type for each reported month.

Used Objects Test Coverage

This column chart summarizes the used objects, showing the number of hits and Gaps in each Application area, The top 10 Application Areas are shown, with the other Application Areas grouped into the ‘Other’ category.

The ‘Additional Resources’ section includes the following report.

Analysis Input Data

This Excel report contains a copy of the input parameters used to produce the App’s Dashboard report. The value of each input parameter is stored in a separate worksheet, which is named after the parameter whose value it contains.