Convert a Tricentis Tosca SAP GUI and Web script to a NeoLoad User Path

The NeoLoad Controller used to convert the Tosca SAP GUI and Web script must be launched in process mode.

You can find more information about NeoLoad prerequisites for SAP GUI at this Page.

  1. In Tricentis Tosca, right-click on the execution of a Test Case.
  2. Select NeoLoad Add-on > Transfer SAP GUI and Web test case to NeoLoad.

    Neoload starts the SAP recording at the first step named "SAP" or "SAP Login". Both SAP GUI and Web are recorded, and the recording stops at the end of the test case.


For more information, please check our GitHub article dedicated to the conversion of a Tricentis Tosca SAP GUI and Web script to a NeoLoad User Path.