This tutorial describes how to design a Virtual User containing Adobe Flex/AMF
requests. It introduces you to the Post-Recording wizard, which is used to instruct NeoLoad how to decode the Adobe Flex/AMF
requests. If you do not have all the required files during the recording, this tutorial explains how to repair Adobe Flex/AMF
requests that could not be decoded.
To gain the most from this tutorial, it is recommended to read:
In the same way that it allows HTTP exchanges to be defined and tested, NeoLoad also provides a method of load testing AMF requests. AMF requests are similar in many ways to standard HTTP requests. This means that all the NeoLoad features available for testing HTTP requests can also be used for AMF requests. These include, among others, the use of variables, defining validations and, of course, obtaining results for the tests.
To record AMF requests, see Record a test scenario.
indicates an AMF0 message.Recording AMF0 requests is straightforward and requires no configuration.
To record AMF requests, see Record a test scenario.
For the record, the AMF3 protocol enables the carrying of customized objects. If the Java object classes are missing, the request binary data cannot be decoded for conversion to XML. The following procedure explains how to solve the problem of missing Java classes.
interface. These objects are particular, in that they manage the saving and restoring of their attribute values themselves. Declaring these Java classes using Adobe Flex/AMF
libraries manager is mandatory.The JAR files required by an AMF request may be declared at any time.
Here, the request selected in the Virtual User requires Java classes that have not been declared yet. This fact is revealed by several indicators: